My Brothers

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Summer Pups

Chapter 22:

My Brothers

Tuesday June 30, 2020

8:10 am

[Everest's POV]

I was slowly waking up to a soft breeze coming through an open window while the birds were chirping at a soft tune. It was a lovely way to start the day. I want it to be like this every morning. I felt well-rested. I slept like a newborn pup. I was laying on top of something soft and fuzzy. I lifted my head up and I immediately blushed. I was laying on top of Chase. I was so confused. Did we even do anything last night, because I don't remember a thing.

I gently got off of Chase and got on the floor. I went through my bag, looking for my toothbrush and toothpaste so I could brush my teeth. I walked to the restroom and started getting ready for the day after I had found everything I needed. Once I was finished with everything I needed to do, I went back into the room that me and Chase were sleeping in and put my belongings back into my bag. When I was done, I looked over at Chase, who remained unconscious on the bed. It doesn't look that he is going to wake up anytime soon.

I shrugged it off and left the room. I went near Rocky and Zuma's room to check and see if they were awake. As expected, they were fast asleep. I went over to Rubble's room and he was sleeping also. Jesus, am I the only one that's awake right now? I made my way down the hallway and downstairs into the basement to see if Skye and Marshall were awake. The door was closed. I just went on and thought they were dozing off as well. I was about to leave when I heard noises coming from the room. I walked closer towards it so I could make out the unknown sound. It sounded like, sobbing?

I was confused. Who the hell is crying? I continued to listen even more. The wailing sounded more feminine the longer I listened to it. It was only then that I understood it belonged to Skye. Immediately, I started knocking on the door. Why is she crying this early? Did she have a terrible nightmare or something? If so, I want to be there and help her.

Everest: "Skye? I-Is everything okay in there?"

Skye: "*Sniff* N-No! No, no, everything is n-not okay! I-It's all my fault!"

I paused. What was her fault? Was it something that happened yesterday? I didn't think so because she was doing quite alright. Aside from what happened between her and Zuma, she was good. Still worried and heavily confused on what she's talking about, I decided to go in and comfort her.

Everest: "I-I'm coming, okay..?"

Skye: "..N-No..D-Don't... Don't..D-Don't please.."

Everest: "Skye, please? I-I want to help you!"

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