Skye X Marshall

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Summer Pups

Chapter 6:

Skye X Marshall

Monday June 8, 2020

7:35 pm

[Chase's POV]

I was walking back home with Everest. I kept looking over to her. She was doing just fine, but I wasn't. I knew I shouldn't have played that stupid game. Now she's probably thinking of me in a weird way. I will admit that she's really cute, but there's no way I would ever take it THAT far with her. I mean, I would but that's only if she wants to. Ugh, I'm being weird again. I need to get those thoughts out of me right now.

Everest: "Chase, are you okay?"

Chase: "H-Huh? Oh..Y-Yeah, I'm okay."

Everest: "Are you sure?"

Chase: "Yeah. I just want to get home."

Everest: "And then what?"

Chase: "I don't know and maybe go to sleep."

Everest stopped walking beside me. I turned around. She was upset. Did I say something wrong? I mean of course if she just stopped all of the sudden. I slowly walked up to her.

Chase: "Ev?"

She looked up at me.

Everest: "Chase, do you love me?"

Her question totally caught me off-guard. I gave her the most obvious answer.

Chase: "Of course I do! Why would you even ask that?"

Everest: "I..I don't know..I just feel like we aren't doing as much."

Chase: "I don't get it. We went on a boardwalk, had drinks and even played games with the pups!"

Everest: "N-No...I meant like times to ourselves. I mean, sure we've done all of that earlier, but how about an entire day of just us two."

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