Going Back

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Summer Pups

Chapter 33:

[Going Back]

Sunday July 5, 2020

10:48 am

[No one's POV]

Zuma was watching from afar, narrowing his eyes at the daschund with Rocky. He knew that pup was none other than Liberty, the pup that Rocky frequently spends time with. Rocky had brought her over to Zuma and Skye so they could meet each other. Skye was delighted to meet the daschund pup and introduce herself. She even made a playful joke about how Rocky would never stop talking about her. Zuma, on the other hand, had no desire to establish a friendship of any kind with Liberty.

It's not that he doesn't like her; rather, he was unaware of what it was in her that Rocky found so endearing and that drew him to her. Zuma saw Liberty as just another typical pup that didn't really stand out in particular. Sure, she was pleasant and full of fun, and she even had a light sense of humor, but Zuma didn't get why Rocky was so taken with her.

Liberty and Rocky were cracking jokes and having a conversation while standing in line for ice cream. Meanwhile, Skye and Zuma were sitting at a nearby table, eating the ice cream they ordered. Skye was on her phone, scrolling through her social media feed, while Zuma watched Liberty and Rocky with a puzzled look. Of course, he was upset that Liberty was hanging around someone he liked, which was Rocky, but he began asking himself things about Rocky.

Is Rocky straight, and does he have feelings for Liberty? Or did they become very close friends in a span of a few weeks? Or is he... gay?

Zuma made it a point to watch Rocky's behavior and their interactions whenever he was around to look for any indications or signals regarding Rocky's sexuality. He was slowly beginning to think that Rocky might not be gay. He never did forget how Rocky confessed his feelings for Skye one time. However, Zuma continued to look for more proof to back up his doubts about Rocky's sexuality since he was living in denial.

But unfortunately, Zuma's search for evidence only led to more confusion and uncertainty. Despite his efforts, Zuma couldn't find any concrete evidence that pointed towards Rocky being gay or straight. It's like Rocky was a complete enigma when it came to his sexuality.

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