Are We Friends Now?

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Summer Pups

Chapter 31:

[Are We Friends Now?]

Friday July 4, 2020

8:42 pm

[No one's POV]

Skye and her cousins were walking down the alley on their way back to her grandmother's house to eat and relax. Gabriella and Luis had an absolute fun time going up and lighting the fountain fireworks and laughing at the owners reactions. Kayla tried joining in on the fun with them, but she was more worried about her closest cousin, Skye. She noticed that Skye seemed preoccupied and distant, lost in her own thoughts. She knew why, though.

She overheard Skye and Marshall arguing over something, and it ended with him walking off. As they continued walking, Kayla decided to approach Skye and ask if everything was alright. "Hey, are you doing okay?" Skye hesitated before looking up at Kayla, faking a smile. "Yeah, I'm fine," she replied, her voice tinged with sadness. Kayla could tell that Skye was putting on a brave face, but she knew there was more to her act.

"Skye, I'm here for you. You don't have to pretend with me," Kayla said gently, placing a comforting hand on Skye's shoulder. Skye sighed and finally opened up about her argument with Marshall, expressing her worries and frustrations. "It's... It's nothing, really. I-I just overreacted, that's all." Kayla nodded understandingly, giving Skye a reassuring smile. "I see. Look, I don't know Marshall all that well, but he seems like a very thoughtful and understanding pup. I'm sure he didn't mean to hurt you intentionally. Maybe you should talk to him and try to work things out." Skye looked up at Kayla, her eyes filled with uncertainty. "No, he didn't hurt me. I hurt him. I said some things that I didn't mean, and now I'm worried that I've damaged our relationship."

"Aw, Skye, don't think like that," Kayla comfortingly remarked. "Relationships have their ups and downs, and sometimes we say things we don't mean in the heat of the moment. I'm sure Marshall will understand if you explain how you feel and apologize for what you said." Skye nodded, feeling a glimmer of hope. "You... You may be right, Kayla. I'll go talk to him. Thanks." They both smiled and gave each other a reassuring hug before walking through the garage to enter the backyard.

Skye searched everywhere for Marshall, but she was unable to find him. She was worried for a moment that she had made him so upset that he decided to walk home. It was a 40-minute ride from Skye's house to here, so for Marshall, it would take at least an hour, maybe two, to get home by foot. She saw her mom chatting with her sisters and decided to ask if they had seen Marshall.

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