Chase + Everest | Skye + Marshall

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Summer Pups

Chapter 13:

Chase + Everest | Skye + Marshall

Monday June 15, 2020

9:34 pm

[Chase's POV]

Here I am, in my room, sitting on my bed while my right leg is sitting on a pillow with a cast on it. It's not broken and I didn't need it but they still put it on anyway. It wasn't even sprained, it would just hurt like hell whenever I try to move it. It was in some bent position while it was stuck. When me and Rocky got pulled out of the water, I couldn't even move because of my leg. They had to take me to the emergency room. I always get nervous when I ride ambulances because it makes me think that there's genuinely something wrong with me.

My dad and sister came to visit me. I groaned when I saw my sister walk up to me because I knew what was coming. Everytime I get hurt, she starts ranting about how I should be careful and how much I mean to her. I love her as a sibling as well, but I've heard the same thing a million times so I was getting tired of it, but I could never bring myself to say anything to her, so everytime she does it, I just sit there and take it.

My dad told me that I should stay home for a while. I wasn't all that upset. I mean, I was gonna have to anyway. The doctor said I pulled a muscle and it was going to take about three weeks for it to heal. I was a bit unhappy because I don't like staying in the house for that long. Maybe one or two days I can, but longer than that, I can't. I need to go outside.

Plus, I was a bit bummed out because I was really looking forward to going with Zuma to the resort that he invited me and everyone else to. I heard that it had some roller coasters, a huge beach and some arcade games. But what I was really looking forward to was the boardwalk. I was hoping Everest would come along so we could spend most of our time there, just us two.

I was given some pain medicine. If I ever want to walk for a while, I am gonna have to take one of them and wait five hours before I take another. When I got home, my father helped me go to my room and laid me to rest on my bed. I hated needing help from others. I know he's my father, but I want to be strong on my own.

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