4th of July Pt.3

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Summer Pups

Chapter 30:

[4th of July Pt.3]

Friday July 4, 2020

8:30 pm

[Chase's POV]

I never thought it was possible to be grounded on the Fourth of July. To be honest, I have no idea how someone gets grounded in the summertime in general. I think you would have to mess up in so many ways in order for that to happen, but anything is possible. Being grounded on the Fourth of July feels particularly ironic because it's a day meant for celebration and freedom. I think. But, however, I guess it serves as a reminder that consequences can arise regardless of the time of year.

I was lying in bed in my room, the lights on, simply staring at the ceiling. I still couldn't get over what happened during the cage diving a few weeks ago. The memory of being trapped underwater in darkness still haunts me to this day, making it difficult to even find comfort in my own room. I tried falling asleep, but the loud, booming fireworks outside kept jolting me awake. It was annoying like hell. But all of that aside, I still found it weird to be grounded. I was always a good pup. Well, sometimes. I would get in trouble, but I would never be grounded or punished.

The one time where I actually did get into trouble was when me and Carly snuck out of the house late at night to explore an allegedly haunted house. I was never a believer in stuff like that, and I still don't to this day. She somehow convinced me to go along with her. I don't remember everything that happened during our time there, but all I know is that we were running out, screaming. We were way too loud sneaking back into the house and our parents found us out, and grounded us both.

To be honest, though, I'm not even upset that I've been grounded. I know why I am. And it was for a good reason. Back at the cookout, Jasper had been annoying me so much that I finally lost it and fought him. I know it's a little bit out of my character since I'm not really a fighter. I mean, I can fight, but I don't usually resort to violence to solve my problems. However, Jasper's persistent teasing and tormenting drove me to the breaking point. I couldn't take it anymore. I keep replaying that event in my head.

I was enjoying a burger that my uncle had prepared for the gathering. The stress had been mounting, but the delicious patties with crispy lettuce and melted cheese on top were a wonderful diversion. The irritation I was feeling from Jasper's unrelenting actions seemed to subside as I was eating. But, of course, that moment had to come to an end. Just as I was about to finish, Jasper approached me with a smirk on his face, knocked it out of my paws, sending it flying onto the ground, and played it off as a joke. The anger that had been simmering inside me suddenly erupted, and without thinking, I lunged at him. I landed a few good punches before others quickly intervened to break up the fight.

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