Old Friend

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Summer Pups

Chapter 15:

Old Friend

Tuesday June 16, 2020

11:33 am

[Rubble's POV]

I was in Rocky's garage with him and Zuma. Rocky asked me and Zuma if we wanted to come over to his house and help him out with his inventions. Since I didn't really have anything going on for this summer, I said yes. My mother was out and my grandad didn't have a car to take me so I took a bus instead.

I was hoping the rest were going to come over so we all could maybe hang out later on like going to the arcade at the mall or go play around somewhere, but Everest, Chase, Skye AND Marshall wanted to do something together, just them. It's not like I have a problem with it. I just wished that they could also spend some time with us, who don't have mates.

I was in the garage watching Rocky trying to finish working on his grappling hook. He has been working on it since the start of 8th grade and he still hasn't finished it yet. I'm not sure if it was because he was distracted by staring at Skye too much or he was slowly losing interest with building stuff. Either way, I hope none of those are true because I really admired his work.

Rubble: "Hey, so... When do you think you'll be finished with this? You told me a few days before the dance."

Rocky stopped doing what he was doing, took off his goggles and rubbed his head and sighed with a little bit of annoyance.

Rocky: "I know I did! I-I honestly don't know dude. I've been working on this thing for a long while now and I've just never got around to finishing it."

He walked away from the desk and rested on the couch and covered his face. He was clearly stressing out. Is that how he feels every time he builds something?

Rubble: "H-Hey, don't worry, dude! You got this!"

Rocky: "Heh. I've been told that many times."

Rubble: "Okay..Well...H-How about we both work together? I didn't come over here just to watch you build stuff."

He looked over to me with a confused look on his face. I know why too. I never really TRIED building things the way HE does it. I'm more into construction if anything. Building gadgets and construction doesn't really mix.

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