On The Road

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Summer Pups

Chapter 17:

On The Road

Monday June 29, 2020

8:34 am

[Everest's POV]

Along with everyone else, I was waiting for Zuma to come get us while we were all sitting on Chase's front porch. I understand that he is expected to be driving us to a resort; the drive took us at least eight hours. While I enjoy traveling, I detest taking car rides, especially when I have to squeeze in next to six other dogs. Furthermore, it is extremely hot. This has to be the hottest day of them all. I kind of want to go back to the south pole for that reason.

Rocky asked if we wanted an ice cold bottle of water and reached into his bag. All of them had one. I declined his offer when he asked. I wasn't really feeling like talking. I turned to look at the bandage covering my arm. I exhaled. A lot has transpired in the last week.

I overheard Chase and his friend Marshall arguing about something shortly after our "couples day" event. I'm not sure what the topic was, but Chase was really picking on Marshall. Furthermore, he hasn't been himself lately, as far as I can tell. I asked him how things were going. Yes, he replied, but I knew that wasn't true, so I decided to move on. However, it's not what's bothering me.

My brother Rai and I were left alone by my mother. The oldest sibling I have is him. He is 17-years-old, now becoming a senior in high school. I dislike living in my house, but I've never told anyone. It bothers me to live with him. I'm terrified of him. I don't know why, but he has been hurting me since I was a small puppy. Which is why I never leave Chase. I'm hesitant to return.

Furthermore, it's not like there's anything I can do about it. I try to get help every time, but it never materializes. Lily, my own sister, makes no effort to assist me. The fact that Rai doesn't even touch her hurts me the most! If the pups end up asking me about my arm, the reason I have a bandage on my arm is that I slipped and fell onto something sharp by accident. It's not like telling someone would have any negative consequences. It only exacerbates the situation.

Rocky: "Sucks that we're not going to hawaii. I was really looking forward to it!"

Chase: "Yeah but to be honest, I didn't think it would happen. There's a lot of us."

Rocky: "We could have driven, at least!"

Chase: "You can't drive to hawaii."

Rocky: "Oh... Maybe a cruise?"

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