Healing Again

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Summer Pups

Chapter 9:

Healing Again

Friday June 12, 2020

12:56 pm

[Chase's POV]

I was sitting outside on the bench with Everest and Marshall. She got done patching him up so he should be alright. I made sure to bring Marshall a cold bottle of water. I was told by Everest that we should give him about a day for him to talk normally again. I asked her if she knew what happened but she said no. She only walked in on Marshall with blood on him. And some of it, not his. I was staring at him for a while. He wasn't the type of pup to attack someone so viciously. I've seen him get in a fight once, but it wasn't that bad.

Everest: "I can take it from here, Chase. I'll sit out here with him, then we'll come back in."

Chase: "Alright. Thanks for helping him out. Take it easy Marshall."

He gave me a thumbs up. I nuzzled Everest, got up and went back inside the building. I was mentally hurting myself. This is the second time Marshall got hurt and I couldn't do anything about it. I mean, I know I wasn't there so I couldn't have known but still. Am I not the friend I used to be for him? I made it back to the food court whereI saw the pups arguing about something.

Zuma: "Something needs to change about him. No matter where we're at, he's always getting himself hurt! It's bringing the fun out of it!"

Skye: "It was probably just a misunderstanding, Zuma! And I'm sure it wasn't his fault!"

Zuma: "And how do you know that? Are you just saying that because you're mates with him?"

Skye: "No! Marshall is not the type of pup who would fight anyone!"

Zuma: "But that doesn't stop him from getting himself hurt or worse, right?"

Skye: "Sh-Shut up Zuma!"

Rocky: "Uhm, guys? C-Can we please-"

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