Mixed Feelings

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Summer Pups

Chapter 16:

Mixed Feelings

Tuesday June 16, 2020

12:02 pm

[Skye's POV]

Me, Everest, Chase, and Marshall were sitting at a table outside of an ice cream store. I had a spiked chocolate brownie sundae while everyone else's was pretty standard. While I am aware that some dogs have allergies to chocolate and other additives, I am not one of them.

I looked around the small town of Adventure Bay. It was quite peaceful. There was a light breeze in the air, fewer cars were on the road, and fewer dogs and cats were wandering around. It was the ideal day. I felt it was so ideal, in fact, that perhaps we ought to take a stroll around the shoreline. I wonder what the other people would think of it.

Everest: "I really like this place!"

Chase: "Eh, it's alright here. Not my favorite."

Skye: "Hey, I've been thinking about something."

Chase: "Here we go."

Skye: "Relax, just listen to me."

Everest: "What is it?"

Skye: "Today is such a great and cool day, how would you all like to walk around the beach?"

Everest: "Oooh, I think that would be nice! What do you think, Chase?"

Chase: "Hmm... I might like that."

Skye: "Marshall?"

Marshall: "Ye-Yeah! I'm down f-for that!"

Skye: "Alright, cool! Now you all can let me know whenever you're ready to head down to the beach!"

Everest: "Alright! I'm almost finished with my sundae anyway!"

Chase: "Yeah, I'm full.."

Marshall: "Well, I-I gotta use th-the bathroom real quick."

Marshall slipped as he was about to get out of the chair, slightly bumping the table. The table began to tremble and our glass bowls were close to falling over. We all snatched up the bowls with haste.

Everest: "OH! Got it!"

Chase: "Goodness.."

I sat my bowl down gently and turned to face Marshall. He groaned and rubbed his head before standing up. It was a difficult fall. I'm hoping he's not too hurt.

Summer PupsWhere stories live. Discover now