New Pup In Town

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Summer Pups

Chapter 32:

[New Dog In Town]

Sunday July 5, 2020

10:32 am

[No one's POV]

Skye, Rocky, and Zuma were taking a nice stroll in the park, enjoying the warm sunshine and the beautiful scenery around them. Instead of wanting to stay inside his house playing games all day, Zuma decided to ask Skye and Rocky if they wanted to join him on a small walk or go shopping, perhaps. Both pups were a bit confused as to why Zuma suddenly wanted to go out, as he usually preferred being indoors all day. And along with that, why them specifically? Zuma didn't even bother asking the rest of the pups if they wanted to tag along. Maybe he had a special connection with Skye and Rocky, or maybe he just wanted some company from his closest friends. After all, if Zuma is talking to someone, it's usually those two pups. Regardless, Skye and Rocky were excited to join Zuma on his walk and went with him, no questions asked.

As the pups were walking, they were talking about their holiday yesterday. Each of them had a good Fourth of July, but only one of them had the most memorable experience. Rocky explained that he went out of town to visit his grandparents in a small residential town. He described how they had a backyard barbecue and set off fireworks in the evening. He even got to set off some of the fireworks himself, which made the experience even more special for him.

Zuma went over to his cousins house for a type of get-together with his family. It was also because he was hosting a graduation party for his younger sister, who was finishing her last year of high school. Zuma also mentioned how they had a cookout on a big open field with all their favorite dishes. His cousin's family also rented a small pool area for the small pups to play in since it was hot that day. Near sunset, everyone gathered around to launch their own fireworks.

Skye, on the other hand, had a different experience that day. Though she went with her cousins while they set off fireworks in front of people's lawns and ate most of the food that her grandmother cooked, none of that could compare to the amazing time she had with Marshall. Every time, she would space out and think about what they did that night. And every time she would think about it for a second, a blush would creep onto her cheeks. She was so distracted by her thoughts about everything they did yesterday that she didn't know that both Rocky and Zuma had been trying to get her attention the whole time. They had wanted to show her the new tricks they had learned at the skate park, but Skye was too lost in her thoughts about Marshall to notice. Zuma slightly shook her shoulder, snapping her out of her daydreaming.

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