Closure and Solitude

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Summer Pups

Chapter 34:

[Closure and Solitude]

Friday July 10, 2020

 1:56 pm

[Chase's POV]

Gasket and I were sitting against a wall in an alleyway, catching our breath. We had just gotten done fighting off Gasket's rival gang members who had tried to attack us. This morning, I was trying to have a peaceful day and maybe go visit Everest to see if she wanted to hang out today, but I ended up running into Gasket and getting caught up in this chaos instead.

Gasket, always the trouble magnet, didn't seem to be phased by the whole thing, acting as though it were just another day in her erratic existence. And the thing was that she didn't even tell me that her rival gang members were after her. The least I could have gotten was a heads-up, so I could have been better prepared. But Gasket claimed that she didn't know they were after her until they tried to jump us.

It was a five against two situation, but in the end, we managed to fight them off and escape. However, the fight took its toll, leaving us with matted fur and a few scratches. But that didn't mean I didn't get my ass kicked. Taking on three dogs by yourself while someone else tries to manage two at the same time is not an easy task.

I came out with a semi-sprained wrist and a few scratches and bruises. And I think one of them bruised my ribs pretty badly. But I would be lying if I said it wasn't worth it. Despite the injuries, I'm just glad that we were able to make it out alive. Not many pups would have been able to survive that kind of attack.

Gazing at Gasket, I saw that she was slowly sliding down the wall next to me, clutching her side in agony. I forgot that a few days ago, she had gotten stabbed in that area from a previous fight, so someone must've punched her there good during the fight. She did inform me that a doctor had examined her stab wound and that she would require a month of rest to fully heal. It wasn't my fault, but for some reason, I feel bad about it.

"...H-Hey, Gasket, are... Are you alright?" I asked, worried about her state.

She winced as she tried to sit up straighter, her face contorted in pain.

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