47 Meters Down

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Summer Pups

Chapter 11:

47 Meters Down

Monday June 15, 2020

12:37 pm

[Skye's POV]

I was in my room eating snacks with Everest. I met her at my school playground like Chase asked me to. When I saw her, she looked like she was glad to finally be out of wherever she was. On our way back to my house, I asked her if everything was alright. She told me that she just needed to get out of the house. I knew that there was more to her answer but I didn't want to pressure her and mainly because it wasn't my business, so I decided to let it go. I told her that she was welcome to come over whenever she wanted to and she can stay the night also because honestly, I didn't think she was safe at her own place. She told me thanks but she would rather wait for Chase to get back. I didn't blame her. She does seem pretty safe around him the most. We've been watching a show on TV. It was about a group of dogs who would save others from dangerous situations. There was a little violence in it, but I really liked it and so did Everest.

Everest: "Hey, do you think it's possible?"

Skye: "Do I think what's possible?"

Everest: "Anyone can be a hero."

Skye: "Uhm..Y-Yeah?"

Everest: "No, I meant like them."

I looked back at the TV. The type of gear the dogs were wearing was pretty high-tech. If it was possible then I don't know where we can get anything like that. It looked like something that only the army has or something.

Skye: "I mean... N-Not us specifically, but there's got to be SOME dogs out there that can do the same as the ones in this show."

Everest: "Oh. I hope to become like them someday."

Skye: "Really?"

Everest: "Yeah. Back in the south pole, I used to be a rescue pup for a ski resort. I really enjoyed it."

Skye: "Well how come you stopped?"

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