Chapter 3

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Izuku's POV

Izuku had just asked his hero and his idol if quirkless people could be heroes. His hero had said no. 

Out of nowhere Izuku's idol started coughing and hacking up blood. Like a cat. What was going on? He hacked once more before there was a flash of smoke.

Was it karma for saying no? For shooting down someone's dream?

Izuku sadistically hoped so.

Izuku blinked trying to clear the air all the while muttering, "All Might? Are you okay? Did something happen? Did you catch a cold?"

As the smoke cleared in the winds, he sees a skinny man in the place of the great All Might. He's skinny, has blond hair, electric blue eyes and absolutely no meat or muscle on him.

Izuku slowly backs away from him, "Who-who are you? And what did you do with All Might?"

The man's voice is raspy and totally different from All Might as he sinks to the floor with his back on the railing.

"Relax young man." The man says.




"No you can't be All Might." Izuku says with a frown. "All Might isn't a skinny, weird looking guy like you. He's strong, buff, and has saved so many people. He's my hero. I would know. And he wouldn't say things like, 'quirkless people shouldn't be heroes'."

"Young man." The 'All Might' says before coughing again, "I- I am the real All Might. It's just that the public doesn't know about my real appearance. Imagine if they knew I was like this. What do you think would happen. You know right? The world would be thrown out of the peace we have. There would be more villains."

"So-so you're always like this?" Izuku asks.

All Might nodded, "It was because *cough* 5 years ago, I fought a man. It was a hard battle. He was a strong battle, he was strong. He had supporters. It was an intense battle. It was long. At the end I won the fight of course in the end or you wouldn't see me here but I was heavily injured. Here."

All Might lifted his shirt to show his scar on his abdomen. It was purple and dented inwards. Kind of gruesome if you ask Izuku. 

"So you're like that?" Izuku asks. "Can you be still be a hero?"

Can I still be a hero?

"The wound affected my body, but my quirk saved my hero career. I can still be a hero but for a little amount of time per day now. I'm slowly losing my time limit. Soon I won't be able to be a hero anymore. And the world will loose this All Might."

Izuku stares at his idol in shock and watches as the older man slowly stands up and returns to his buff form.

"- Until then I'll continue being a hero, I'll never give up."

You can still be a hero huh? Even when you told me that I couldn't be a hero?

"Please keep this a secret. I- no the public can't know about my situation. I can't let Japan and the world relasp into the dark times of before. You understand right? If the world figures out about my condition, the villains they'll gain confidence. They'll slowly return, more and more of them."

He stares at Izuku and he nods.

"I'll be going now." All Might finishes akwardly. "I have to return this to the police."

Izuku continues staring in shock as his idol jumps away. 

"OH BUT DON'T FORGET TO TELL YOUR FRIEND THAT HE CAN'T BECOME A HERO!" He screams as he jumps away to the police station, he's back to his normal idiot self.

Izuku stands there for a couple of more moments staring in shock until he slumps down onto his knees.

"I- he said- I can't be a hero?" Izuku stares at out into the city blankly.

Izuku grits his teeth and stands slowly back up. 

He- he came - he existed all this way just for his idol to tell him that he couldn't achieve his dream. He- why was he still here?! Why couldn't he-

No. His idol, no his former-idol was a hypocrite. Saying that Izuku couldn't be a hero. That it was too dangerous. What an ass. A bitch might for sure. Just because Izuku didn't have a quirk didn't mean that he would die any easier. And just because All Might did have a quirk didn't mean that he would never die, especially with his condition that Izuku just found out. AND FOR ALL MIGHT TO STILL SAY THAT IZUKU COULDN'T BE A HERO. That it was too dangerous for quirkless people to become a hero infuriated Izuku. He would show. No prove that anything was possible. That he could do it. 

His mother's voice tickles his ears. "Izu don't ever give up on your dream. You have to believe that anything is attainable as long as you want to attain it."

He grits his teeth. He would show them all. What it meant to be a hero. What it meant to never give up. What it meant when you let go of all rules. 


Ass Might POV

I jumped my way to the police station and try not to regret what I had said to the boy on the roof. He looked so crushed. He was a good kid, I decided to care that much for his friend. I wonder who he was. What was his quirk? He looked like he had the drive and kindness to become a hero. I should've asked, or maybe pressured him into going to UA. After all I would be a teacher there. Maybe he would be my student! ^-^. Maybe my successor? 


But the boy had a quirkless friend. And that was unacceptable

It was better to distance yourself from quirkless people.

They only brought trouble and weakness to others. Dragging down society like that. It was a disgrace. His quirkless friend would only drag that young man down to his doom. Away from the great heights he could've achieved.

I understand though.

I was quirkless once. But now I'm not and I truly - TRULY. I can understad how useless I was. How useless quirkless people are in general. I'm thankful that my master helped me see this. She opened my eyes.

Although I sometimes get the nagging feeling that, that wasn't what she wanted me to feel.


I was right.

Quirkless people where useless. Not helpful.


I land at the entrance of the police station still deep in thought and then realize something as I dig around my pockets.



(1107 word count) 

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