Chapter 6

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Izuku's POV

Izuku has finally managed to reach the orphanage without any more trouble from a bunch of idiots and such. He take a good look at the goth like exterior of the tall orphanage before he walks up the walkway to the small porch. The orphanage was easy to find. (If you care abt details and such here it is.) In the neighboorhood of 1-2 story buildings, seeing a 3 story building definitely put the orphanage out of place. All the buildings next to the orphanage, going in any direction had the modern vibe going and then you look at the orphanage and with it's dark wood and goth vibe, it looked out of place. Not to mention the occasionally boarded windows, you could say that the orphanage stood out.

With a creak the door opens into a warm foyer. A complete contrast to the outside exterior, the orphanage on the inside was warm and had a home-y feeling.

Izuku stands on the door mat for a couple of moments before he takes off his shoes and step up into his house.

Hearing the door open, Mrs. appears at the top of the second story staircase, she has a wooden cane in hand and a disgruntled look on her face. The cane taps in front of her as she walks down the steps unsteadily.

She reaches the foyer and hobbles towards Izuku. She's a short, wrinkled figure with white hair and glassy eyes that couldn't see a thing.

With a well-aimed thrust of her cane, Mrs. manages to smacks Izuku on the side of his head. 

"Get ready for dinner," she rasps and looks (or tries to) sternly at the green haired boy before her.

But she breaks into a worried, but kind grin. "I can't believe you worried me like that! Coming home that late? Was it those boys again? If so bring them here! I'll tell them off. I'll tell them to stop bothering you. Izuku-"

"I know." Izuku mutters, "I'll stand up for myself. And I'm sorry for worrying you, it's just today was a long day-"

"THAT'S NO EXCUSE YOUNG MAN." Mrs. snaps, "I was worried that something happened to you like last time. I thought you'd been re-kidnapped by your previous foster parents. Do you know how worried I was?"

"I'm sorry." Izuku says meekly starring down at his feet.

His foster parents huh? Those assholes?


Izuku's hand was being held by a tall young lady. No not being held. It was being grasped. And he was being dragged to this couple's car. They had come for him this time at the orphanage, he was suprised. He had been at the orphanage for 6 months only. He was still 4 and it'd been 6 months since his mother had died and he was left all alone in the cruel harsh world.

In those 6 months nobody yet had wanted a quirkless and he knew his chances of getting adopted were very slim. Quirkless weren't useful in the world. But just this morning, Mrs. had knocked on his door and had told him that a couple was here to adopt him.

He had been suprised-

and he was still wary.

The tall woman whose name was Aubrey (she has auburn hair and black eyes) continued dragging him back to their old, black car. He had been stuck in that orphanage for so long (being homeschooled by a not yet blind Mrs.) that he couldn't even tell what brand it was.

The man, whose name was Tom, (he was a plain looking man with short brown hair and brown eyes.) was wearing a suit and he opened the backseat door open for Aubrey to throw Izuku into the backseat.

"Buckle up." She said with a dark smile.

Tom next opened the door for her, while she got into the car, Izuku overheard him whisper to her, "Do you think this one will work for -"

"Shh-" the woman hisses as she slams the door close shut herself.

Tom rolled his shoulders. From Izuku's young eyes they were either a very bad couple, or they weren't a couple at all.

Well that wasn't his problem.

Tom got into his car himself and with a warm smile at Izuku, he said, "Are you ready for your fate --"

He got smacked by Aubrey and shut up with a frown. The car pulled out of the driveway infront of the orphanage and Izuku turned around in his seat to see his home one more time. Mrs. was standing there with a concerned face.

He watches as she pulls a phone out of her pocket and with her black hair twisted around one finger and green eyes narrowed in concentration, she started talking on the phone. (Yes. Mrs. is younger. You'll see why she aged so much later)

Izuku sat back down in the car and Aubrey shot a look back at him, "Kid. Put your seatbelt on. You can't die...


The adults had a real laugh out of that one. 

Izuku watches the traffic and other flash by. This was his first time of the house this month and since he rarely got to go out, he watches in amazement as everyone seemed to have an operating life. The car continued driving through the city until they turned down a road.

Izuku knew this road. This was a no-no road. Mrs. told him that this road wasn't safe. Why were they here? The car starts towards a warehouse and Izuku wonders if he's living there. It would be fun? - He thinks, he's not sure, just trying to convince himself. With a screech Tom parks and Aubrey gets out of the car in a flash. 

Izuku's door click opens and Aubrey reaches in, her manicured nails twisted like claws as they clasp onto the young boy's right arm for a moment before she drags him out of the car.

"Come on," She says motioning to Tom, "Let's deliver this boy to the boss and then leave."

Izuku stares in wonder, completely silent as the couple leads him into one of the warehouse's smaller entrance. At first glance it looks like your typical warehouse with boxes everywhere, stacked high one upon each other. But if Izuku thinks about it, it seems more like a maze. Something to keep him trapped here inside. But that's just his imagination playing him right? His mind was gaslighting him? The couple leading him take a couple more confusing turns, each of them flanking Izuku. It's a couple of minutes before he sees an end. With a supressed giggle he awaits to see what awaits him... as the end of the maze of boxes comes, Izuku could see what was there in the small, clear space.




A chair?


(1086 words)


I came back to fix some of the facts for plot purposes

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