Chapter 54

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Izuku's POV

The next person to fight between Izuku and Urarka was Uraraka. Uraraka was up against Bakugou and while she was preparing for her upcoming match, Izuku shoots her a curious glance that she sees.

"Do you have a plan?" Izuku asks leaving the other half of his question unasked. Do you want my help?

"Yeah I have a plan," She says, knowing what he was thinking, Uraraka also smiles and says, "And no I don't want your help to plan. I want to do this myself."

She didn't want his help to beat Bakugou. Which was pretty understandable. Izuku knew that Uraraka thought she relied on her white-haired friend for help too much. Uraraka wanted to do things for herself.

That was understandable.

But Izuku also thought that he wanted to help his only friend more. He'd never had a friend before the bubbly girl appeared in his life. He wanted to do his best to help protect Uraraka's happiness.

But Izuku watches as his friend exits the waiting room to fight his childhood bully.  

Izuku cheers for her to his extent of his abilities as their battle starts.

Uraraka tries her best during the match and while it looked like the clear winner was Bakugou, Izuku could see the small chance that the Anti-Gravity girl could win.

So he kept cheering.

Uraraka was taking the brunt of the damage from Izuku's attacks and Izuku finally realizes, that she was indeed doomed to fail. As he continued to chant encouraging phrases, his mind works to figure out what went wrong.

In the future, the plan Uraraka had made would've worked but currently as Uraraka knew no close combat techniques she was doomed to fail. If she learned close combat, she could block some of the damage she was taking and close in on Bakugou at the same time to deal damage back to the spikey blonde.

It would've been flawless in the future.

However not knowing any close combat, Izuku predicted that she would fall to the floor exhausted.

And that's exactly what happened. As Izuku was watching the match, he'd seen his sly friend collect the rubble from Bakugou's attack which came collected above everyone's heads.

She'd dropped the rubble and moments after a close struggle, Uraraka finally collapsed drained.

Uraraka and Bakugou's fight had riled up some of the audience who were calling it unfair to the point. It became so bad that Aizawa had to step in and speak to the crowd (which he hates doing) preaching commen sense to everyone.

Izuku sighs as he stands up from the stand. On this side of the arena where he was sitting with the audience he could see his classmates from 1A scattered everywhere but none chose to sit near him.

It shouldn't have hurt as much as it did...

He heads back to the waiting room where he sees Uraraka being fed chocolate by a med droid.

Izuku moves to congratulate her but she raises her hands. Midway through a "Good Job" Izuku freezes mouth snapping shut.

"Stop." She says.

She looks up at him from her sitting positon of being supported by the wall behind her. Unshed tears of frustrations cloud her eyes and threaten to spill over, "Don't. I know you, you're just trying to make me feel better."

Izuku gives her a small smile, any brighter and it would've been emotionless.

"You were watching right? Even with everyone screaming I could still hear you cheering."

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