Chapter 24

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Izuku's POV

As Izuku stared at the 2 wires he couldn't help but think:

Nezu that little piece of -

But then he sighed and accepted his fate that the Satan of UA had laid out before him. He truly respected the principle of UA too much to say anything bad, not really though... plus he couldn't really say anything since he had annoyed Nezu just as much by repeatedly hacking into the UA system and trolling the teachers and Nezu. UA had increased their security around their system but that wouldn't keep Izuku out.

People with too much time on their hands were dangerous.

The red wire glinted evily and the blue wire glinted evily. Izuku didn't know which to choose, his gut was telling him to pull the red wire but it could always be blue. Blue symbolized good right? Or like correct? Or was that green? It didn't matter if it was green after all green was blue but mixed with yellow~ still no matter how Izuku put it, his gut still said red.

As Izuku hung onto the robot as it rampaged around terrifying all the applicants, his mind finally showed him a solution in the form of a memory.

His mind flashed back to what Present Mic had said earlier during his big speech in the auditorium.


"Each robot has a red chip that when destroyed will notify us who killed/destroyed it... and it'll add points immediately to your name and if you take a critical hit, your blue chip will alert us that you are down and we will send help over immediately."

~End of Flashback~

Without thinking, Izuku reaches into the panel and yanks the red wire out.




OH GODS, why didn't he grab the blue one?! It would've been funny if the applicants all exploded. 

But Izuku knew that red was the right answer and as much as he wanted to explode some of the applicants... he did have a test to pass. 

Thank you Nezu! Izuku thought, something he never thought he would say much less think.

Nezu had shown Izuku the answer by coding Present Mic's speech into an answer for the choice before Izuku. Thanks to Nezu, Izuku was getting into UA. At least if his gamble and guess was right.

The 0-pointer Izuku was clinging on froze it's mad rampage and attack before it started falling back down to the Earth. Where Izuku was right now, he would be squished directly by the giant robot. His brain scrambles to come up with a solution to his impedning doom and at last he finds one. 

Izuku starts climbing around the robot's neck trying to reach the side where he wouldn't be squished from and at the last possible second he manages to reach his destination, stand up and jump off the robot. Mr. 0-pointer crashes into the ground, splintering the concrete further and there's a loud clattering as his metal armur repeatedly slam against the UA grounds. If Izuku was still standing ont he robot, he would have probably broken both his ankles from the force of the impact. That is if he hadn't launched himself off the robot at the right time. 

Please note that Izuku had put no calculations into this, just a healthy dose of instincts and luck that he'd been lacking in other areas.  

His feet hurt from the impact of the jump off the robot and the landing plus the roll but it hurt less than being squished under that giant robot, or having both of his ankles broken from the impact. 

Izuku had only lightly sprained his ankles and he managed to stand up and walk it off. He had promised himself that he wouldn't get injured today- (it was only so that he wouldn't have to see Recovery Girl and so that his scars won't be seen lol).

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