Chapter 43

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Sorry that it's been so long since I've updated ✨<3✨I got a writers block trying to make this scene perfect and it still may not be perfect... But here it is!

Also HAPPY CHRISTMAS!!! 🎄(I might make a christmas special in the future with... eri? maybe idk yet... :)

Class 1A overall POV

"Can I nominate Nijima Aoi for class president then?" Tsuyu asked the rest of her classmates.

Mineta who was being silenced by Shoji, whose many hands was spent covering the boy's mouth, nodded furiously. His furious shaking and Shoji's shocked state resulted in the multi-armed boy releasing his grip on the grape boy's mouth. Freed and never to be captured again, Mineta quickly scrambled away before he started to speak. 

"Yes! That's what I was trying to say! We were the ones with him during the USJ festival, I know how great he is! I was trying to nominate him..." Mineta says trailing off and mumbling, "I don't only say weird perverted things..."

The class was suprised about his outburst. That was at the least. Mr. I'm a grape boy but perveted and weird, was being rational enough to agree with Tsuyu? The normal one? Was the grape boy becoming normal? Rational? Was the world ending?!

So yes, it was an understatement to say that the class was suprised by his outburst.  

They recovered from their shock and after a collective thought process, the students accepted the nomination and turned towards the white haired cinnamon roll who was being nominated.

But fear not today was the day of shock, as Izuku's classmates where shocked into stunned silence once again.  

Izuku hadn't been paying attention during class and you would be crazy to think that he was paying attention now. First of all he had already studied the whole high school curriculum and the college one so why did he have to pay attention? And second, he had to find out and piece together criminal activity based on the internet and online.

Izuku was never paying attention in class anymore. 

Momo, who sat two seats behind him, burried her face into her hands and almost burst into to full blown waterfall tears. What had happened to her cinnamon roll?! Why did he become like this?! It was too much for the "mother" of Class 1A.

Apparently she wasn't the only one. After recovering from her shock, Uraraka slapped her hands down on her desk with a satisfying smack. "ALRIGHT! I've had enough of this. This is too much. Aoi look at me."

Izuku who was not listening to what they were talking about before but still keeping an ear out to see if someone was talking to him, finally looked up. Only to find the whole class staring at him with confused, concerned, or frusturated glares. And Uraraka who looked pale and drawn with worry. What was going on?

"I don't know what you're doing on your phone, it's probably important, and I know that. But right now in this class, at this moment we kind of need your ... opinion and help. Could you at least participate? Look even Shoto and Bakugou are listening and participating right now. You need to do help us, okay?" Uraraka asks focusing her attention solely on trying to get her message to her friend.

Izuku who was stunned out of his search-for-villains coma had no chance to recover for his friend's request and his personality wasn't fully back and everything caught him off guard. But before he could say anything out of character, more of his classmates started talking to him. Their voices were overlapping wiht one another and crowding him as they tried to ask what was wrong with him. 

"Yeah!" Kirishima said from his desk agreeing with Uraraka. Others fell silent as they let the red haired kid talk, "Why are you so dazed out these days? You no longer pay attention in class... It's not very manly. I don't know you that well but I know you aren't like this. Something is wrong. We'll help you with that. But for now can you help us? Because we need it. Like Uraraka said can you tell us your opinion? Tsuyu and even Mineta believe in you and believe that you're manly enough that they nominated you for class president."

The rest of the class nodded their heads in agreement and started to chime in. Izuku had really no time to recover as each of his classmates started to tell him to pay attention and he sighed and stood up in his chair. Immediately everyone shut up.

"Nominate me for class president?" He asks calmly and people nod.

"Fine." He says and his classmates started to smile cheerfully but he wasn't done talking. Izuku's eyes darken and he snaps. "So you're saying that I need to help you guys with this right? Give you my permission or whatever?"

More nods.

"... I'm sorry I don't have an opinion in this matter. You guys should probably give up on believing in me like that. You'll only be disappointed. You guys can decide everything without me, right? So yes I have no opinion on this matter, sorry that you guys had to waste time like that. Good luck."

Some people almost were nodding and then they realized what he'd said. "What?!"

Aizawa had awoken briefly from his smal nap and he watched the drama unfold before his eyes with a curious expression. "Aoi." He says sternly. "There's no need to go that far."

"I-" Izuku starts and then starts to freeze up. His teacher's reprimanding reminded him and sent him back to the past. He was still stuck there back in that room with them. Always preying on him... Always being hunted down. It hurt so much. "I-" His throat was dry and Izuku quickly picked all his stuff up and shoved it into his bag. "I- got away from you guys right? Wait no hahahaha who was I joking. I would never be free, that's what you said right? No. You were right. Right. I'm so sorry. Don't - don't worry about me. I know what'll happen. Don't worry. Hahahaha. I know you won't feed me, but please don't lock me up. Not this time okay? I still need to protect her. I need to protect her... she can have my food. Not that you'll give it to her. hahahaha. Just let me protect her okay? I won't do it again. I'm so sorry... please? I'm so sorry."

His speech worried everyone but so did his frantic movement. Izuku had finished stuffing everything into his backpack and head down he headed towards the classroom door. He was shaking like a leaf and he barely managed to make it to the door before he turned back to face the class. His back was to the door and he looked dazed. He looked like a victim that didn't want to have his back on his enemy. With that Izuku quickly scrambled backwards out of the door and the room. 

"So sorry... please don't do anything to her-" and with that Izuku was long gone.

"Aoi-" Uraraka said softly. "What-what happened to you?"


(1178 Words)

Was that drama enough? I don't know if it was... I kind of gave up during Izuku's speech where he was talking back to what Kirishima and Uraraka had said about needing his opinion and how Tsuyu and Mineta nominated him. I just went along and completely derailed off plan, lmfao.


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