Chapter 19

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Izuku's POV

When he'd arrived home that night, he realised that there were 2 problems.

1. he had locked the window somehow and couldn't get back into his house through the window.

2. he didn't have his keys on him.

Which led Izuku having to lock pick his own door with his knives. 

These aren't even what they're for. 

After the door swung open and Izuku had quickly entered, before locking his door behind him. Really, he hoped that the neighboors hadn't seen him. The poor green- sorry white haired boy collapsed on his futon with a defeated sigh.

Tired. Yeah Izuku was tired, but he couldn't sleep. It really sucked to be like this. 

~time skip to the next morning because im too lazy and tired to write out what happened... plus it'd be boring. WHY AM I OVER EXPLAINING MYSELF LIKE THIS>:3~

That morning, Izuku was still up. He'd spent the whole night staring at the ceiling of his apartment.

It'd been what two months since he'd first arrived at this apartment. And last night had been his debut as a vigilante. He probably didn't have too much fame on the internet yet...

Except when Izuku had opened his computer, he'd been bombarded with news about a new vigilante. Akari.

He guessed that news traveled fast? Or he was the only vigilante left? Either way the news about a new vigilante Akari was everywhere online.

~time skip~

Izuku was stepping outside his apartment for the first time in ... well a couple hours. But in his neighboors eyes it'd been days since they'd seen the young white-haired fellow.

Izuku had spent the last couple hours mentally preparing himself to step outside his house. And he was reading what the internet was saying about him.

However he did need a job, money was running tight. So yes. Izuku really did need to get out of his house and get a job.

He walked through his neighborhood, eyeing all the old, weathered down buildings and the lack of vegitation all around. Some apartments had plants but besides that there wasn't any. From what the metro lady had said, Izuku had expected his area to be slightly... shadier? But it was suprisingly clean. It was a short walk to the metro and he went immediately to the information desk. 

Again the lady was sitting behind the desk, typing furiously away at her fanfic she was writing. Izuku would have to remember to check it out later. With this much typing the lady was doing, it would surely be updated a lot right? And Izuku needed something to do during his long nights, besides patroling.

This time Izuku makes sure to check the woman's I.D. badge. Kaede Yuki. Yuki huh?

"Hey-" Izuku says nervously, he was back in his acting smol innocent bean form, "um..."

The lady recognizing his voice and this time actually takes the time to look at his face, it was the first time she'd seen him. Like actually looked at him and she did a double take.

Izuku was younger than she expected.

"Yes?" She said politely while looking around for something.

"Do you know where I can find a job-"

"Here." She says as she finds what she was looking for. A can of soda she'd bought earlier. Yuki shoves that towards Izuku.

He takes it with a hint of suprise and Yuki taps her chin thoughtfully, "Yeah actually I do know where you can find a job."

No one left (UA civil war/Vigilante)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ