Chapter 61

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Izuku's POV

Izuku's eyes fluttter opens quickly as he comes to his senses. There's a soft mattress like feeling beneath him and a rocking, slightly bumpy, movement too.

As he wakes up the light slowly chases away the inky blackness of sleep and Izuku is able to see all around. 

The white light of a hospital greets him as his eyes widden, how long had it been since he'd passed out. But as Izuku looks around he realizes that he's still in the ambulance. Aizawa sits at his side and when he feels the boy shift around he quickly looks over.

"Don't move." The teacher orders, "We're moving you to a hospital to patch you up. I'm actually suprised that you're awake. The paramedics said your injuries were severe and that you would be a sleep for a while."

"That's true." A paramedic randomly voiced from where he was sitting next to Izuku. "You shouldn't move around too much."

"To the hospital?" Izuku asks shocked.

"To the hospital." The two sitting next to him comfirms. "We're taking your classmate there too."

The hospital? Izuku shouldn't be surpised, but he didn't have his bearings yet and he was still shocked by everything. His acting facade wasn't that good after he passed out of course.

He knew that the injuries he inflicted on himself were kinda severe but he couldn't remember how severe. It was only on his leg so he should be fine, anywhere else and that would've been a little risky.

"Speaking of which, we saw your leg wound but are you injured anywhere else by any chance?" The paramedic asks and Izuku immediately relaxes.

"No. I'm fine. And if I could ask, can you treat just my leg for me?" Izuku asks, "Like even if I have any other injuries can you not treat them...? Is that weird?"

"Umm... sure? Why would you want that though?" The paramedic asks and Izuku plasters on a flustered smile, "I just don't want my parents to pay too much for the medical bills and since I'm a student and not a worker, I probably won't get that much of a 'workers compensation' right?"

(guys if that doesn't make sense, sum it all up to plot armor and wattpad logic pls.)

Izuku leans back down and relaxes on the hospital gurney he was being carried on and after a couple more minutes, they arrive at the hospital. He's carried into the hospital and the doctors check over his leg before they stitch it up. He's allowed to change into the hospital gown himself and Izuku requests for one with longer sleeves and everything.

Aizawa keeps giving him the side eye and Izuku wonders if his teacher is catching on. After his stitches, Izuku is hospitalized in a hospital cot for the rest of the night. That night, Iida is also wheeled in after his stitches and check up.

Nezu and Aizawa's POV

During that time where his students where asleep in the hospital. One out and the other trying to figure out an escape route, Aizawa returned to UA to talk to Nezu.

"I heard there was an attack at Hosu." The bear-rat like principle says folding his paws neatly.

Aizawa shifts in his seat and mutters tiredly, "Yeah, there was and Nijima and Iida got the worst of the attack."

"Aah." Nezu says gripping his cup of tea, "Tell me about it."

"Well today me and Manuel planned to get together and basically patrol Hosu together and for most of the day that went by without any issues.

The only problem was during the attack, our two interns basically split from us and ran towards a back alley. And we actually would've probably never found them if not for the text message Nijima sent out calling for help, our tracking and gps managed to pin them down in that alley. 

Basically what happened while we were trying to track them down, the two students encountered Stain and had a fight. From what it appears to us, Nijima was still fighting after Iida was knocked out but somehow the student managed to incapacitate the villain. By the time we arrived on the scene, both students were out and Stain was injured and couldn't move that easily. Everything else was following procedure."

"Hmmm...." Nezu hums softly as he closes his eyes, "So you are telling me that Aoi-kun was with this so called hero killer for the time period, after Iida-kun was knocked out and before you showed up?"


"And do you roughly know how long Aoi-kun had to fight Stain before you showed up?"

"It was roughly 10 minutes based on the reports of the medical staff when they examined Iida's head wound."

"Hmm... And Aoi-kun was fighting Stain and managed to injure the hero killer critically is that correct?"

"Yes." Aizawa said his eyes shuttering, he knew what Nezu was hinting to.

"Hmmm..." Was all Nezu says his dark eyes flaring with unrestrained interest. 

For a quiet minute the two heroes puzzled over the situation quietly. Nezu and Aizawa both knew that Aoi chose to intern with Aizawa and based on Aizawa's report about the boy's skills throughout the week, it didn't seem like the white-haired boy was too good at fighting. So that left them both wondering how the boy could fight th villain who was a hero killer.

Perhaps, Aizawa thought, It was Iida who did all the work?

But when the tired hobo man turned towards Nezu, he knew that no, that would not be the case.

"What do you think of Nijima Aoi?" The rat prinicpal asks suddenly.

Aizawa closes his eyes, "A rather plain feeling student. But a problem child. He didn't seem like anything spectacular although after an outburst a while ago I do wonder what demons he hides. If he does have any demons, he seems rather sweet and innocent most of the time. But considering all these villain attacks, I would say he quite is a problem child."

The little rat-bear principal had a curious look in his eyes, "That is quite curious. We'll keep an eye out on him. That is quite strange and curious. He seems very..." The principal trailed off and after a couple more moments of silence Nezu randomly started again muttering, "Strange. Strange times these days. Oh! There's a new vigilante around too! I heard that you're quite well acquainted with him."

Aizawa shuddered at the memory of his sleepless nights chasing after the new vigilante, Akari trying to capture him and bring him to justice, "Not well acquainted. I just see him everywhere. He's slippery and hard to catch and the reason why I drink so much more coffee these days."

Nezu snorts, "You always drank that much coffee. Nothing has changed."

Aizawa glares at the principal and the Rat Satan laughs before waving Aizawa out, "Leave me to my tea now. Thank you."

Aizawa leaves Nezu to his mumbling and puzzling over his problem child and once he exits the office, he pauses right outside of the door his blood cold.

What was going on? What did Nijima Aoi have to do with it? His skin prickled as he felt like some unseen eyes were grasping at his fate and twisting them into a very messy clump.

Something big was going to happen, Aizawa could feel it as the hairs on the back of his neck raises.


(1202 Words)

I felt like this chapter was short, but then I realized that it only felt that way because the last 2 or so chapters were quite long.

Um... I only did minor editing so there's probably a lot of problems.


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