Chapter 25

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I forgot abt smth in the last chps, i was wondering if u see a mistake like when uraraka or someone calls izuku izuku can u tell me? cause its supposed to be aoi instead....

Izuku's POV

~~Time Skip~~

It was the Friday after the entrance exams for UA. The day Izuku was told that he would get his results back fromt he school.  

A large amount of childish excitement and nervousness flashed through Izuku's body.

This morning he had rushed out of his room the moment he heard the mail cars (is that what they're called??) and rushed to check his mailbox. His letter had arrived and once he returned ot the room barely believing what was happening, he immediately texted Uraraka via his giant clunky computer. She had responded immediately and said that he should come over to her house to open their letters together.

She lived in an apartment on the opposite side of the CAFE, and it was a pretty far walk to her house from his house.

It wasn't a problem! Izuku decided in bright spirits.

Before he'd messaged Uraraka, he'd placed down the letter and now he picked up the letters with his pair of clippers that you would normally see on dinning table and placed the whole thing in his backpack. 

He slipped that whole thing over his shoulder and started walking to Uraraka's house. He made sure to walk carefully as if his backpack was made of glass.

The entire walk, he was on high alert as if some sort of villain would attack him and take away his letter.

By the time he reached Uraraka's house his nerves were shot and Izuku could say that that was the most amount of anxiety he had felt in a while even when fighting villains. Well maybe not since fighting villains caused anxiety but he could safely say that in his "normal" and "civilian" life that was the most amount of anxiety he had felt...

NO WAIT!!! He couldn't even say that since he got panic attacks at the weirdest thing... 


Uraraka lived with her parents on the 4th floor of a large apartment complex. She hadn't really said anything, but Izuku understood her situation a little. Still he didn't want to assume, so he didn't ask.

He knocked on the door to her apartment and she opened it smiling widely, the red spots on her cheeks were glowing with excitement.

"My parent's aren't home right now-" She exclaims as she leads Izuku inside, "-They're out working on ... um ... Well anyways they aren't the subject right now, what I wanted to ask is if your parents were okay with you coming over here?"

"I-" Izuku says, pausing and swallowing hard, "My parents- I live alone, my parents they're elsewhere. So yeah they won't mind."

"Oh." Uraraka said in a small understanding voice.

They walk to Uraraka's room in silence until Izuku breaks it with a small awkward but cheerful grin and says, "I can't wait to see your acceptance letter!"

Uraraka noticed how Izuku hadn't said anything about himself and knowing that he suffered from a lack of self-confidence she hurries to reassure him, "I'm we'll see your acceptance letter too!"

(A/N: I know that a lot of people hate on Uraraka and while I can sort of see where you are coming from. I just want to say that I can respect anyone who can float themselves while having the hanging threat of throwing up, who can fly themselves up onto a building and scream about how Izuku should be welcomed back into UA to a group of anxious people, I respect anyone who can accept Himiko- WAIT SPOILERS... ( ͡ಥ ͜ʖ ͡ಥ). But yeah ... those are all cannon and I can respect her... so I chose not to make her like an ass... bc well i decided that it was too much work and i sort of respect her =') but sometimes i hate her -(0-0)-

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