Chapter 29

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Izuku's POV

Really it wasn't Izuku's fault that he couldn't see what Iida was eating from this angle. The motorized boy was on his phone scrolling while he was chugging orange juice.

It wasn't Iida's fault that he chose what he chose to eat for lunch today.

Iida was sitting there drinking his orange juice but on the table sat an untouched bowl of katsudon.

The memories were flooding back to Izuku and his head felt like it was underwater. His heart decided to go AWOL on him either that or it felt like someone was repeatedly stabbing him in the chest and digging out his heart.

He could barely hear as Uraraka asked Iida if katsudon was his favorite food and the boy responded with something about beef stew. Both had sat down already and were staring at Izuku wondering what was going on with him. He couldn't move, he couldn't breath and his vision was starting to turn yellow.

He could smell a fire, he could feel his skin being burned slowly, he could smell the slowly burning to crisp-katsudon.

His curry plate slowly dipped fro his hands and started falling towards the ground pulled by gravity. However it was met with a light touch infused with anti-gravity from Uraraka as she dashed forward to catch it and it started to float. Until it was pulled out of the air by Iida and placed onto the table. 

Both classmates were staring at Izuku trying to figure what to do. He was clutching his head at this point and trying to stop the tears from falling. His fluffy white hair was covering his face and it safely hid his agonized state from the world.

Uraraka was at his side desperately giving him instructions to follow her as she tried to lead hin through a breathing excersize.

Half the caeteria was staring at them but she ignored the others as she tried to reach Izuku who was stuck petrified, head underwater, he couldn't hear her.

This... may or may not have happened before with a chair.

His vision darkened and he started to fall backwards, almost hiting the floor. Uraraka takes decisive action and a loud crack revertebrates through the air. 

Now everyone in the cafeteria was staring at them silent.

They were watching the pair, one who slapped and one who was slapped.

Izuku stood for a moment still, before he looked up. Her slap both shocked him and made him weightless so that he wouldn't hit the ground. He manages to regain his senses and stabalize himself into a standing position. Once Uraraka sees that he has a little control over his body, she releases her quirk and starts telling him to breath in and out with her. 

After long moments he finally manages to calm down and he turns to his friend, thankful and grateful of her.

"Thanks..." He starts and trails of, "For... um... everything, you know?"

"No problem," she says, "Sorry for slapping you... are you okay though?"

Izuku nods and pauses before he answers, he's trying to create an excuse that would be believable, "Don't worry about slapping me, I'm glad you did it or else I would've fallen. hahahaha. But um... yeah it's just my quirk. When I'm analyzing things, sometimes the data from the world overwhelms me and my brain gets tired and confused. Usually if there's no one there to help me, I'll just pass out and wake up normal and fine. Plus, I can never tell when they're going to happen since it happens at the weirdest times!"

"Oh..." Uraraka says, "...kay."

He was pretty proud of himself, that was one of his better lies.

"Sorry about that," Izuku says scratching the back of his head, addressing Iida who was just sitting there with a confused look on his face.

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