Chapter 23

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I appologize, I'm pretty sure I've been saying everything is in Tokyo but I just googled it and it's not actually in Tokyo... but I feel that it's to minor to change so I'll roll with Tokyo <3

Izuku's POV

The applicants were lead deeper into the school and towards the grounds built within the campus. They were then split up into smaller groups and sent to the starting mark within the small miniature cities.

UA was really rich, Izuku guessed. Which did make sense since it was one of the best hero schools in Japan.

After a couple pointless minutes were people tried to talk to him, and he warded their attempts off with a confused look and innocent smiles, the practical exam started.

Well there was no countdown, just a "YAAAAAAA!!!!" From Present Mic that spurs all the kids into action.

Izuku stands still thinking over his plan as a small villain robot is coming towards him. Now he's wondering if he should take it out or just leave it. He get's no choice to decide himself as a blond, tall kid shoots his weird sprakly, light at it. From his STOMACH.

"MON AMI!" The turns-out-french kid says, "Thank you for the distraction. I would totally say that I'd like to see you later - but if you let a villain almost get you like that- MON AMI! I might not see you again."

Izuku gives him a bright smile as Aoyama continued rambling, (he was talking about cheese) Izuku completely ignored him and calculating the possible places where the 0-pointer would appear. 

Out of all the villain robots, the 0-pointer seemed to be the most interesting one to fight. While it was true that the smaller villains would account and slowly add points to one's score, Izuku had a theory. This was a hero school right? And heroes fought villains so obviously the practical entrance exam would be a recreation of a real villain right?

And Izuku knew from experience that villains relied on their strong and unshakable leader more than anything.

With that in mind, Izuku waved at Aoyama as the french-man ran to find more robots. He then started to head towards the center of the small mini city.

Villain bosses' appeared in two places most often. Either were there were no heroes, or were all the heroes were located at. The former was for smaller villain groups that didn't want to fight heroes and mostly specialized in illegal dealings and smaller operations. These small villain groups had their villain boss were there were no heroes. The latter was for a larger or more ambitious villain groups that had beef with the heroes or just wanted to fight the heroes. These villain bosses were the ones who would more likely appear where all the heroes were gathered.

 Izuku started jogging, picking up his pace as he passes by multiple tattered and destroyed buildings he wondered how deep UA's pockets stretched for this. 

But really, Izuku had a feeling that what UA was trying to replicate was the second version of villains. Someone who wanted to take down the current system of heroes. Especially with the way the villains were attacking- it really furthered Izuku's belief in his own theory.

Within moments, Izuku manages to reach the "center square" of the small city. There's a loud rumble and the ground beneath the applicants feets start to shake and tremble.

Everyone who was gathered there, which was pretty much everyone, was wondering what was going on. But their questions were soon answered as the concrete ground broke apart and a large 0-pointer started rising from the ground.

Every wannabe hero started screaming their heads off and being all dramatic about how UA was trying to kill them. They then started to sprint away, the blue-haired boy with square glasses leading them to safety. (or was he running away faster than everyone else?)

Instead of running away like everyone else, Izuku moved against the stampede of the crowd and started towards the robot. 

It was tall and large and metal (mhm so smart) and Izuku had to find a way to get eye level with it. Really.

Izuku's black eyes (contacts) narrowed in excitement as he sprinted towards a building. It was actually one of the only buildings left standing and was a little reckless since it was so close to the 0-pointer. As Izuku dashed into the building and started racing up the stairs, the 0-pointer continued rising out of the ground, breaking and cracking more of the ground. By the time Izuku reached the roof, Mr. 0 had reached his full height. A height of 4 stories (we believe that UA was too cheap to pay for 5 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.)

Not to worry, Izuku's building had 4 stories too. Having no time to think, Izuku leapt off the edge of the roof, pushing hard with his legs, he aims towards Mr. 0's neck. He had a feeling what he was trying to find was around there-

Izuku had jumped off just in time as the Mr. 0's palm and arm smacked the side of the building with so much force that the top half just randomly flew off into some random direction. It cracked before collapsing, Mr. Building was no more. Izuku almost (sarcasm) broke down into tears at the loss of such an important ally.

It was no problem though since Mr. Building had already served it's purpose. It had given Izuku enough height that when Izuku felt himself connect with the Robot's body and he grabbed, he had landed on a small nedge towards the bottom of the neck of the 0-pointer.

The 0-pointer joint's groaned as it swung around trying to shake Izuku off. There was a little ridge that he was holding onto and it was a good hold. After a while, the robot stops shaking him around and starts to walk with jarring steps. Izuku was bouncing against the metal of the robt and he could feel his ribs starting to bruise. With the reminder that he was in danger, he quickly felt around the metal neck of the robot looking for a small panel.

Something that would hold a bomb perhaps? Nezu probably wouldn't be that nice though...

After a couple of pats, his hands land on a small area and as he pressed down onto it, the panel popped open. It was about as big as his palm. There were no screws that he had to take out. No that would mess up the camoflauge of the whole thing. The opening mechanism was just a small pressure plate that you pushed down on and the door popped open. There appeared to be only empty darkness inside the panel but after a couple of seconds when Izuku's eyes adjusted, he could see a sign.

It was clearly written in the president's handwriting and the sign read. "CUT ONE OF THE WIRES OUT, DO IT!! HEHEHEHE."

There were 2 wires beneath the sign, one coloured red and one coloured blue. And all Izuku had to do was pull one out.

4 minutes left in the practical test. Only 30% of the robots are undefeated.

Which one would Izuku pull?


(1181 Words)

I originally was intending to make the whole entrance exams one whole paragraph... but then last night at like midnight when i was thinking about this, a brilliant idea appeared and i thought maybe it would be cooler if it went like this....



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