Chapter 21

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I'm so sorry I can't write fight scenes.

I was writing so much yesterday and sitting in my chair for like 4 hours that my hip started hurting 💀


Izuku's POV

~~~ Time Skip to 4 months later ~~

It had been 4 months since Izuku's debut as a vigilante. 4 months since he'd started working at the CAFE. 

And it had been 6 months since the fire that had destroyed the orphanage and killed Midoriya Izuku. 6 months since Akari and Nijima Aoi was rebirthed.

(remember he spent 2 months preparing at his home.)

Izuku had been working at the CAFE every day, from the moment it opened at 7 a.m. to the moment it closed at 5 p.m.

At first he'd gotten funny looks from Uraraka who was probably wondering why he wasn't at school, but after he'd told her he was taking night classes and working to help his mother who was in America, she relaxed and accepted his excuse.

Every night, instead of his "night classes", he went out on patrols as Akari. Over the 4 months the crime rate in his district had went down dramatically. Izuku had stopped human traffickers, drug dealers, kidnappers, fighting rings, robbery, and more. 

Of course his actions infuriated Aizawa who was still trying to catch the vigilante. 

It was actually funny since Izuku saw Aizawa twice a day.

Once at the CAFE where Izuku would serve Aizawa his sweet coffee and once during the night were an infuriated Aizawa chased after an exhilerated Izuku.

However most nights, Izuku actually didn't see Aizawa because unlike the vigilante, the pro slept during the nights. 

The pro thought nothing of it, just thought that the vigilante slept during the day. Izuku actually used this mentality to his advantage. After that, Aizawa wouldn't ever suspect Nijima Aoi, a young cafe worker, to be the vigilante or else when would the vigilante sleep?


Most nights, Izuku had come from his patrols early and he would study a little. He didn't really have anything to do and studying made time fly by faster.

Izuku would study anything, heroes, quirks, science, physics, fighting tips, math, english, languages in general. Anything he could get his hands on and would pass time, Izuku learned.

Finally after 4 months of this cycle and one day at the CAFE, he and Uraraka were chatting when the CAFE didn't have any new customers coming in.

"Hey..." Uraraka had started after they'd fallen into companiable silence.

"Huh?" Izuku asked tiredly, last night had been taxing. Akari had fought numerous kidnappers and burglars.

Although the crime rate was going down, there were still villains going around.

"What high school are you planning to go to?" Uraraka asked before she frowned, "Are you even going to go to a high school or are you going to continue your night classes?"

(guys... first of all a couple of things, 15 is indeed an age to go to high school and also i didn't calculate it well when i wrote it since the whole flashback arc threw me off... but anyways some of the kids in class 1-a are older too. Like Momo is 15 same as Iida, well in S.1 of BNHA)

"I-" Izuku starts ready to make up some random BS before he takes a moment to think aobut it. High school, huh?

"I actually don't really know. I don't really have a plan." he says, "Why are you asking?"

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