Chapter 46

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Izuku's POV 

For the next week the students ignored Izuku. Not that he minded. They kept their distance and didn't talk to him too much if they didn't have too.

He liked the quiet it was better than noise. Especially loud ones. 

Ever since his outburst and escape through the window, the very eventful week that he had before his fellow classmates in 1A realized that he was kind of unstable. His personality was always changing, bouncing around never the same. Sometimes he was the sweetes cinnamon roll to ever exist and sometimes he was the most violent and angry person ever. To the point where he was more violent than Bakugo. But he didn't cuss... Sometimes Izuku was the quietest kid to ever exist. Whatever it was the class couldn't deal with all his emotions, they just left him alone. 

Well except for Uraraka and Iida who tried to get him to talk to them, who tried to eat lunch with him. Basically they were trying to become his friends. And Izuku would've been fine with that. But both of them were social. And he didn't want to socialize if he didn't have to. So he just ended up avoiding his friends by hiding out in the bathroom because why not? 

The bathroom understood him about as much as any living human out there understood him. But the bathroom was better. It didn't talk back. Like Izuku said earlier, he liked his silence.

Izuku's late night patrols as a vigilante had left the news, police, and pro heroes stumped over his identity. Every time Izuku went out to secretly save the people of Tokyo, more and more heroes would start chasing him down. These days he could barely save anyone with heroes hunting him down. But he still managed to save as many as he could.

Everyone was trying to figure out his identity. Who he was, what he did, what he was. All of it. But they were so wrong. His voice changer hidden in his mask had thrown everyone off his age by a couple of decades. Most thought he was anywhere from 20-40. 

That was the only things that was funny to Izuku these days. These days Izuku was just so very tired.

But it was now the day of the UA Sports Festival and Izuku was excited again. He lived for the drama after all.

Last night Izuku had gone out on a patrol as Akari and had come back mildly concerned. Top heroes such as Endeavor and Hawks were after him now. A new development he supposed. He could barely shake them off his tail before going home to get ready for the next day. It would get harder and harder if they kept this up. He would have to be careful.

Izuku exited his apartment and started heading towards his school. His backpack was slung over one shoulder, it wasn't his trademark yellow backpack. It was actually black now... It would've been to easy for Bakugo to learn his identity if it had been yellow... (I just realized i never clarified so i just wanted to do so. it's so random sorry!)

Yesterday, during class, Aizawa had told his problem children that they were to meet in his classroom as usual. So Izuku just did what he did normally each morning, going through his daily motions. By the time he realized he was sitting in his chair and someone was talking to him.

"Oh hey Uraraka." Izuku says smiling sweetly at the bob-haired girl.

"Hey Izuku!" Uraraka says cheerfully too.

Their fellow classmates look at them curiously. Today, they thought, Izuku was seeming quite mild.

"Hey Midobro!" Kirishima said as he entered the classroom.

Izuku shuts his eyes in annoyance. Kirishima. The only other student besides Uraraka and Iida to try to talk to him daily. He even came up with an annoying nickname like Midobro which Uraraka thought was adorable.

No one left (UA civil war/Vigilante)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora