Chapter 49

243 7 2

Someone's POV

The first years were being called back outside for Midnight's reveal of the second stage.

"HI HI HI HI!! EVERYONE I'M SO EXCITED TO SEE YOU GUYS AGAIN. YOU GUYS ARE SO CUTE, ADORABLE, SO YOUNG I LOVE YOUNG PEOPLE HAHAHAHA. IT'S BEEN TOO LONG SINCE I'VE SEEN YOU GUYS. I'VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH." Midnight was shouting and Aizawa made a low comment into his mic that she just saw them 20 minutes ago. 

"HAHAHAHA! DON'T LISTEN TO THE HOBO! We managed to transform the court and now I shall tell you, your second stage!" Midnight says. "You guys are so precious.

Okay but I have to be serious or Nezu will fire me. 

So anyways, the second stage will be a calvary battle. Based on your rank in the last stage you guys will be awarded points. 42 of you will be in groups of 4 and fight against each other. Your goal is to try to snatch the bandana with points off of another teams head. 

Points like I said earlier are from your place in the previous stage.

So whoever was 42 will have 3 points and first place points. The amount of points your bandana will have will be the highest point of your group. All right that makes sense to me so it should to you! Make your groups now! Good luck you have 20 minutes."

With that Midnight started droning on about the break the audience would have. Something about a snack shack and a soda machine.

"Wait. I have a question." A low voice said from the students shocking the 18+ teacher.

"Yes? Which cutie called for me?" Midnight asks cackling. 

"Can we be solo?" The group of students parted to show the strange student asking such a question. 

Nijima Aoi.

"Solo? But sweetie it'd be easier for you if you were in a group-"

"I don't do groups." Aoi says calmly.

"But you helped Uraraka-chan just now... PERHAPS was that you love for her?!" Midnight her shipping heart going wild and she was practically jumping up and down with joy.

"I don't do love either, I owed her." Aoi says. "So can I be solo or not?"

Midnight was going to rip of Nijima Aoi's head, SHH! she wanted to say Let my old lady shipper heart be free for a moment. Fine whatever.

"Well obviously you should try to get a group to work together with you and that'll benefit you greatly-."

"... Nobody would want to group up with me. During this match I'm going to be the most targeted one in the whole arena. I wouldn't be suprised if every team went for me. Who would want to gamble that I'm that good and throw their cards in with me? If people teamed up with me they would have the highest chance of losing. 

And nobody wants to lose. It's to high of a risk with a lowest amount of reward in my opinion. So can I go solo?" Aoi asks again.

Midnight's eye twitches. This kid... he actually made sense though. "What do you want me to do then? There's going to be a group of three..."

"Just invite the 43 place or something I don't care." Aoi says shrugging. 

He... He didn't care?! "But cutie that'll be another team of four out for that headband of yours."

"Fine. They can do whatever they want. Target me all they want. I don't really care." Aoi says yawning. "It'll be more interesting that way."

Now all the students and the audience turned to look at the white haired boy who in all seriousness yawns again.

"I was getting bored anyways."

"FINE!" Midnight declares. "You're too cute and odd. Do it. Do it solo. I want to see how it turns out."

With that the 18+ turned back to the audience and a bit more stiffly this time started telling them about the snacks and everything.

Nobody neared Aoi as he wandered off somewhere. In fact they all stared in shock as the still yawning boy walked off the field. Once he disappears from sight they hurry to group together in groups of 4.

An extra player who placed 43 is called up to be the fourth member of someone's group. They have 20 minutes to group up and start strategizing on how to win. There are 7 teams, 8 including Izuku. Each team picks their own corner to talk strategy.

Izuku is huddled up in a bathroom stall with a computer set up in front of him. There are multitude of screens showing him the matchups. A pair of headphones on his head he focuses on quickly skimming through the audio recordings of each group talking.

Izuku has the whole field, no the whole school bugged and each student has a microphone he's planted on their school uniforms. So doing what he always does best, Izuku collects information and plans. Every student's end goal is to target him and get the 10 million from him.

Most are wary of him but at the same time they're looking down on him thinking that he'll loose. Still there are the couple who'd personally seen how he'd cleared the obstacle course so easily and were slightly terrified.

The groupings were interesting. Izuku sighs. He hopes they're able to put up a fight. After all, he'd only enrolled in UA to stur up some drama. 

It was time for him to start planning.

~~~20 Minutes Later~~~

"Um.... Does anybody know where Nijima Aoi is? He isn't here..." Midnight asks.

Everyone had gathered back up ready to start the second stage of the UA sports festival only Izuku was missing.

"Here." Izuku says sitting criss crossed on top of a light pole that was on top of the stage. He has a bored expression on his face and when he realizes everyone's staring at him he flushes and stutters. "I mean sorry, present."

Everyone just stares at him in silence for a moment. 

Present Mic who had fatefully woken up for stage two had a lot of things to say and he screamed into his mic, "SHOTA WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOUR CLASS? WHAT ARE YOU TEACHING THEM?"

Aizawa didn't respond and Midnight who was concerned, manages to say, "Alright all you little adorable babies are present so we'll be starting soon. To your positions of choice."

Hmm, position of choice huh? Izuku thinks his eyes shadowed. Everyone spreads out across the arena clearing having a spot they have a spot that they'd prefered. Izuku just stays still and he kind of wishes the light fixture to be larger so that he can lay down.

"YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" Present Mic screams into his mic almost busting all the speakers and immediately all 7 groups start dashing towards each other. 

Tokoyami, Uraraka, Mei, and Iida were a group. This group targeted Izuku immediately who was just staring absent mindedly around. They didn't know what was going on with their classmate but they were going to get those points and win. 

But here's the problem they weren't the only group thinking the same way.

Everyone thought that going solo was stupid and so everyone made plans to take out Izuku first.

Izuku was just trying to figure out how small he could curl up and if that was small enough for him to lay down on his light pole.

However he's unable to keep his balance atop his light pole as people started to attack his pole.

Izuku's eyes shoot open and they glow a radioactive green for everyone to see.

Clouds briefly cover the sun and in the temporary darkness the light glowing from the terrifying kid is more than enough to scare some of the first years. 

With a dark smirk he looks down at everyone, "Hm... All of you have come after me?"


(1270 Words)

HI. I'm tired. My body hurts from writing this much. I'm going to sleep or whatever and I'll try to update tomorrow but if I can't then the next time I'll update is Sunday of this week hahaha. This one's only roughly edited so it's probably really bad. Sorry.


No one left (UA civil war/Vigilante)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon