Chapter 14

545 13 2

Izuku's POV

There were only moments until the backyard would be completely on fire. By now, the blue fire had turned to a normal one and the fire department had pulled up. Izuku thought quickly. 

He would need this, and this, and this. 

With that, Izuku slid his window open and tossed out the trash bag filled with All Might merch out of the window.

It was yeeted spectacularly out of the window and sailed until it landed a short distance from where the fire was steadily eating up the grass. Izuku slowly climbed out of the window with his backpack on his back.

He positions himself to be able to jump the furthest and farthest.

Now that he was actually going to make his escape it looked like a pretty tall fall.

None the matter, he had fallen from taller places and survived.

Bakugou- Izuku thought, thank you for all you trained me for this. 

With a steadied breath, he aims for the bag filled with the merch and jumps. He would be a hero. And heroes took risks.



Izuku was very smart. He had taken out all the fragile, potentially sharp merch and instead replaced them with blankets from his room. On top of that he had managed to haul his small futon (which is a japanese type of bed. The one that's a mattress on the floor.) and yeeted that out of his window. With moments to spare he just shoved all his extra clothes into another bag and yeeted that out. His aim had been spectacular today, unlike earlier in the day, he was now extremely lucky. They all managed to land and clump together, stacking up and reinforcing one another. That was what he was aiming for. 

Izuku launched himself off his window ledge and onto the pile of mattresses. 

There's a sense of freedom and flight as he soars through the air. But that's quickly followed by a plummeting sensation and gravity decides to keep Izuku and he starts falling.




His gamble paid off. With a dull thump, Izuku hits the cushioned ground and bounces off before hitting the actual ground with a less bone-shattering force. He was fine, just bruised a little bit.

The ground around him starts to smoke up and the smoke already in the air makes everything hard to see anything. With a grunt, Izuku rolls up his futon and attaches that to his backpack (like a camping backpack). He leaves the bag of extra clothes and All Might merch behind.

Fashion? Never heard of her... He thinks as he starts walking towards the backyard wall. It leads to the next house over... but that was burning too. It wasn't like he wanted to walk on the ground like a normal person anyways. With a small grunt he  climbs up the stone back wall. He stays there for a moment before looking back at what was once his house.



The whole thing was up in flames and Izuku didn't know if anyone had gotten out alive. He had no way to tell. 

He was just sad- 

not for loosing a home.

But for Mrs. who was such a strong woman to deal with a psycho and a quirkless kid.

Who had built that place and sustained it by her own hands. Went through an emotional rollercoaster everyday. 

All her hardwork would be broken down.

But Izuku didn't even know if she was alive so... he didn't know what to think. If she died then he would actually be a little glad that the orphanage burned down along with her. He didn't want another owner to come along and tarnish her memory. But if she was alive then ... she would just have to rebuild. 

His All Might merch was slowly smoldering and melting away. It was sadistically satisfying to see that go up in flames.

Although he would've sold it. It would've been the most useful scenario for the merch but alas that wasn't the case. He was glad that at least his weird fanboy addiction had been beneficial to his survival.

The same couldn't be said for the hero he had idolized though. Obviously, that was not beneficial to Izuku's survival. XD 

The heroes and firefighters were here. They too were focused on the fire and didn't see Izuku.

With a heavy sigh Izuku turns and prepares for his journey ahead. 

Jumping from the back fence onto the tree that was conviently positioned in front of the wall and then from there to the roof of the house. 

Izuku was running. Again. 

He was good at running.


The man who had started the sudden fire. The suspect. No the perpetrator was standing on the side watching. He had started the fire with a giant blast of blue flame from his palm. But he made it look like he was swatting at a fly. It was a good trick he had learned from Gamer Boy... (a code name), he'd been taught to make part of his flame look clear. Or almost clear.

The man had burnt scars everywhere and it looked like he was stapled together. With his blue hair and dark eyes, he watches as the fire slowly eats away at the orphanage where the target had lived.

"AHAHAHAHA!" He cackles mentally as help arrives.

Heroes and firefighters spill out of cars and onto the street.

The water based heroes all shoot water at the house trying to quell the flames while the others evacuated nearby houses. 

"AHAHAHAHAHA!" He continues cackling mentally.

By his calculations and instincts, the fire would kill Izuku but not burn his body to ashes. Just like the doctor wanted. After all, the man had called for help. Izuku would be fine. In one or way or another they would still be able to use him. Even if, by some miracle Izuku survived the fire, he would be immobolized at a hospital and that would still be an easy scenario for them to snatch Izuku.

The man didn't consider the scenario where Izuku escaped the fire.

After all he was a quirkless boy. They were useless right?


(562 words)

idk y this was so short.

idk how to continue this part so i just want you to know that it was originally 562 words if by the time i add details blah blah blah and it becomes 1000 + words well u know that the barebones was actually 562 words uwu.

i managed to make it tooooo more words yayz

(1057 words)

heh i got 2 chapters out in a day. heh. *insert anya smile*

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