Chapter 65

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Izuku's POV

The feeling of looking through a black and white lens is something Izuku groggily opens his eyes to. He wakes up to the feeling of something rolling and rocking beneath him. And as his vision slowly returns and his mind slowly settles back into its designated crevice, he looks at his situation through narrowly slitted eyes.

He could feel his mask still attached to his face, per the weight of whole thing. He was in the back of the police car, Aizawa sat next to him occasionally glancing at him. But as Izuku continued to breath in deeply and had almost closed eyes the teacher deemed him asleep and continued to look out the window of the police car.

In the front next to the officer sat a very chatty and probably sleep deprived Mina Ashido who was blathering away about something to the man who was driving.

Aizawa seemed to come to a conclusion as he was staring out the window and the man abruptly turned and reached over to tug at Izuku's mask. To the pro heroes ultimate amazement and shock, there were a pair of green eyes that stared at him amusement coating his eyes.

"What's that Eraserhead?" Izuku teases and everyone ceases talking, "Still can't wait to get your hands on me?"

Aizawa glowers at the vigilante and states, "Who are you?"

"Like I would tell you!" Izuku says laughing. "What was your plan with capturing me like this? I'm curious."

"You heard the men coming and yet you still let them catch you." Aizawa says and Izuku nods, "We're curious, why are you here?"

"I said I'm curious on what you want to do with me." Izuku says, "And don't think you can take my mask off. There's a digital lock on it. It's impossible to crack by anyone, maybe Nezu could do it. So I wish you good luck on that."

Aizawa stares blankly at the person who sat across from him. Mina was also glancing backwards curiously. 

There were cuffs around Izuku's wrists and ankles, with a couple small quick twitches from the vigilante he freed himself from his bonds.

"So? Ask away." Izuku says merilly, "Who knows maybe I'll even answer them."

They were rounding up at the police station and Aizawa still hadn't answered. A small army of police offers surrounded the car as the driver exited and Mina Ashido also left, Aizawa was the next to leave and rough hands yanked Izuku out of the car and shoved him into the station.

"Woah. It's so cool in here." Izuku says pointedly glancing at the worn chairs that were scattered around the room. "Really techy and everything you know. Totally something I'd expect from the government."

"Aizawa-?" A new confused voice asks stepping out of an important looking office located in one of the long narrow halls. "What are you doing?"

The new person was a tall, human looking man with a trenchcoat and a matching hat that made him look very Sherlock Holmes. He had a clean cut hair and a square jaw to match. Naomasa Tsukauchi.

"Woah, Eraserhead got so many good looking men surrounding you. How will I ever compete?" Izuku says cackling. 

Mina Ashido slaps his shoulder, "You should stop making such jokes."

"Sorry sorry." He repents. And the detective gets a good look at his face. 

"This is the vigilante that's been keeping you up so late in the night?" Tsukauchi asks and Aizawa nods. "He doesn't look like much. If he's so impresive then how did he get captured?"

"I didn't." Izuku insists, "I allowed myself to be captured."

He proudly shows off his uncuffed wrists and ankles. "It'd be really easy in my good heart to run out of here right now. But you know I'm staying here out of the goodness of my heart and for good old Eraserhead... I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'll stop. I'm not funny."

Izuku laughs and Aizawa sighs, "He just keeps teasing me for chasing after him so often. He makes it seem like I'm infatuated with him or something."

"I hate everyone." Izukus says his voice suddenly falling flat and the whole group shivers as they hear the emotion completely leave his voice. They could tell he was being dead serious, "Sorry about that." 

Aizawa shrugs his shoulder and smoothly asks Tsukauchi to escort everyone into his office as Akari kindly agreed to be questioned.


Izuku quickly slides into his seat and leans back wiht a contented sigh his joking manner back, "You know my back's been hurting from all that falling I do. It must be nice to have such a nice seat around always."

Tsukauchi and Aizawa sit themselves across from him and Mina guards the door. 

"What is this?" Izuku jokes, "A quick check up to see if I'm still sane or something?"

Tsukauchi ignores him completely and asks, "What's your name?"

"Well my kind sir my name is Shoto Todoroki." Izuku says cackling as his voice modifier changes to Shoto's low tone.

"Lie." The man states himself and Izuku smirks. He already knew from hacking the police's database that the famed detective had a lie detector quirk.

"Next." Izuku says bashfully as he continued to sink lower and lower into his seat. 

"How old are you?" Aizawa asks.

"35." Izuku says.

"Truth... and a ... lie?" Tsukauchi says.

The detective looks confused and Izuku inwardly cackles. He truly was such a good liar. He had to be after all All for- the boss had taught him well.

"Have you killed anyone before?" Aizawa asks his eyes dark, "I saw you stab that man we hired to pretend to be a villain and you looked quite unfazed for taking someone's life."

"No. That was my first time." Izuku says and he laughs as Tsukauchi says "Truth and a lie." Again.

This goes on for sometime as Izuku lies his way out of the questioning and by the end of the whole ordeal the heroes haven't gained anything while Izuku has been paid his nightworth of entertainment.

Aizawa steps out of the room with Mina and Tsukauchi lowers himself heavily into the chair closing his eye and rubbing the bridge of his nose.

"I wish this was easier my quirk has never acted up like this." Tsukauchi mutters. "Alright-"

As the detective looks up he sees the chair across of his desk and computer empty.

All around the office was empty. None of the fake plants showed anycase that the vigilante had hidden there.

There were no windows in his office, it appeared that Akari had truly vanished into thin air.

Izuku had actually just slipped out of the office door and sticking close to the shadows of the walls he quickly made his way out of the long halway Tsukauchi's office was located in and exited the police station through a couple of vents. He reappeared a top the roof of the building and with a suprisingly solemn face he stared at the night sky which twinkled with unknown stars.

His goal was to see what Aizawa was going to do once the teacher managed to capture the vigilatne. It was suprisingly disappointing but relieving to learn that they had nothing on him.

Yes that was Izuku's main goal behind all of tonights big drama and events.

He needed to know what the police and by train of thought, the government knew on his identity and who he was; now and then.

The sky slowly brightened to it's clear rosy pink with streaks of purple telling him that dawn was fast approaching and the renegade vigilante returned ot his room to plot his nefarious deeds.

Tomorrow was a new day and there wouldn't be anything too big happening soon right?


(1251 Words)

Well this arc is over and to be completely honest, I didn't plan on this happening at all so the logic may be a little screwed and I'm sorry. <3 but i actually kind of like this arc heh

not too many edits and terible grammar per usual.


I was being productive and wrote this on the same day as chapter 64 but for suspense purposes you wont get it until like next week probably.

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