Chapter 64

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Someone's POV

Aizawa leaned over the edge of the rooftop he was sitting on and peered over the edge. He glanced down into the dark abyss of whatever laid below him and watched as the scene unfolded before his eyes. 

There was his student Mina who he'd specifically chosen for her quirk, which was perfect for the situation. He wanted someone who was easy to get along with but not someone who was extremely arrogant. 

Mina was huddling in the corner as the man who'd they hired to act as a "villain" slowly approached her. Aizawa could faintly pick up the sounds of footsteps rushing towards the groups location. Aizawa shifts so that he's on another roof opposite of the direction Akari was running towards.

There was a AC unit that he was able to duck behind to further and he hears the light footsteps that would soon turn near-undectable to a predatory silence come closer to their locations.

"Start the mission," He whispers into his ear piece.

At that moment Akari stops and drops to his knees as he too peers over the edge of the roof to stare into the alley below him.

Aizawa knew that the vigilante couldn't fully see Mina who was hiding in the corner. But he could see the vigilante's eyes burn a harsh green as they gazed at the situation.

The man they hired to be the villan slowly inched towards Akari and Akari quickly dropped down. Once Aizawa knows he's down there, he pops out from behind the AC unit and peers over the rooftop edge to watch the scene unfold before his eyes.

The vigilante is stabbed in the shoulder but he seems to be immune to the pain and with a uncommon move of anger, Akari presses his knife against the "villain's" throat. 

Per the group's script the man blubbers about how Akari wasn't normally like this. And the know familiar low voice of the vigilante agrees before he tiredly releases the "villain." The man takes this moment to spin and try to attack and in that split section, Aizawa can feel a sudden murderous intent errupt into the air that's not from the "villain" but it's quickly stiffled as the dagger that's quickly summoned into Akari's hand is slammed into the villain.

With a detached ease the vigilante leans down to check if the man is dead and he quickly cleans up the situation before turning to Mina to ask if she's okay.

Mina says yes and moves away from the wall. 

"I'm so sorry." She says to him, her eyes damp. "I didn't want to do this. I actually don't think what you're doing is too bad. Although you did just kill this guy... But, my teacher- my teacher he um - he insisted that this would be better and safer for everyone if I just helped them figure something out about you."

Aizawa chooses that moment to send his capture tape whirling out for the weapon that had suddenly appeared in Akari's hand.

He then sent out his other end of the capture weapon and aimed to capture the vigilante finally but to his suprise Akari easily dodges it.

Izuku's POV

It was a trap that his teacher and his classmate had been a part of something to catch. He wasn't suprised. The past nights of his patrol, Aizawa had always been closely tailing him always trying to catch him and Izuku always somehow managed to dodge the man's attempt of capture.

If it isn't the consequences of my actions. He thinks dryly before laughing at himself outloud causing both the shadow on the roof and Mina to startle in suprise. 

Aizawa drops down from the rooftop and positions himself infront of his student Mina.

"Protecting the girl from the big scary vigilante are we?" Izuku asks his voice layered with amusement and disappointment. 

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