Chapter 42

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Sorry for not updating yesterday. 😅 I'm working hard to keep my updates coming. <3 Thanks for supporting!

Izuku's POV

During the following week after the USJ incident, Izuku could feel people watching him. Staring at him, glaring at him, whatever you called it Izuku was getting watched by people.

His classmates, the teachers, the principal (I HAVE A JOKE!! I JUST MADE IT UP... GUYSSSSSS ~~~NEZU'S A PRINCIPAW🐾), and that one random grandpa across the street of Izuku's apartment.

It was really great? What were they staring at anyways? Izuku had only saved Aizawa from dying and fought off those weird villains, it wasn't that big of a deal anyone could've done it. So then why are staring at him... Truly human interactions and social lives where a mystery to the shut-in life of Izuku.




Speaking of saving people, following the incident where Izuku's informant, Yuki, was murdered by Shigaraki Tomura, Izuku was having trouble as Akari. Without the necessary information of where the villains were going to be or what they were planning to do, Izuku was patrolling and fighting his battles blind. 

I mean, he was just really low on intelligence about his district area without Yuki. That's what happens when a villain decides to up and kill your source of intelligence and gossip. Plus, Yuki was such a nice person...

Anyways to make up for all the lost information that he didn't have, the white haired boy was often found scrolling through his phone on the black web in class. He was checking villain platforms, checking whatever weird messages they posted on the villatube and everything. The first time Izuku was caught researching on his phone during class and not during a break or lunch, his classmates almost died of shock.

Izuku- Izuku perfect innocnet Izuku- was caught doing something bad and against the rules?! It was as unbelievable as Iida doing something against the rules.

And Izuku was scrolling on his phone? A while ago he claimed that he didn't have a phone (remember he had a computer) but all of a sudden he'd spawned one out of nowhere?

Kaminari had asked him about it and why his parents decided to buy it for the white haired boy. Izuku got a funny look on his face and said vaguely that he needed it for his work. Kaminari nodded in understanding. 

So that time when Izuku was caught by the English Teacher, Present Mic, who started to berate Izuku they were all suprised. 

Especially Tsuyu who had also questioned Izuku about his new phone and was told that he wasn't supposed to get in trouble with it...

However, Izuku just bravely kept a straight face and he calmly nodded before Present Mic went back to teaching and Izuku went back to his information gathering.

It was a good thing too that Izuku thought ahead and he bought himself a privacy screen protector. It was good enough that Mineta who sat behind him couldn't see what he was reading. And believe me, Mineta asked some sus questions.


A week after the USJ incident, Aizawa who was stuck recovering and in a semi-unconcious state finally made an appearance in Class 1A. Up until today, the class was subbed by UA's English teaching teacher, Present Mic. 

After the students arrived back in their homeroom after the lunch break, they were suprised by their sleep deprived teacher.

"Aizawa... sensei!" Izuku says the moment he sees his teacher. "You're better? Healed? I mean um obviously or why else would you be standing here... hahahha...."

"Yes. Thanks to you-" Aizawa says and quickly finishes as the boy was trying to say that it was no big deal, "No really. Some pro heroes would've even hesitated in that situation... But you jumped right in, you seemed comfortable..."

"Hahaha." Izuku says laughing awkwardly. The rest of the class was already seated and it made it kind of awkward since they were kind of having a 1 on 1 conversation. Izuku quickly siddled to his seat as he saw his teacher's mind whirring.

"Similar..." The man was muttering, "Very similar..."

"What was that about?" Uraraka asks and Izuku just shrugs. 

"Oh - um- hahahhaa nothing too important. Apparently I have no regards for my own safety... hahahaha." Izuku says laughing nervously.

Seriously, why did he save Aizawa? Why didn't he just let the grumpy teacher die? ... It was because Izuku needed more drama...

Aizawa looked exhaustedly around the classroom, "Alright, since today is my first day back teaching I'll do something simple. You'll be voting for a class president. Decide by the end of school today, I'll be napping if you need me. So don't."

Class 1A watched in stunned silence as they saw their teacher burrow himself back into his yellow sleeping bag and return to his original form.

"WOW! FINALLY SOMETHING A NORMAL SCHOOL WOULD DO!" Mina, Kaminari, Sero, Mineta, and Kirishima shouted.

While at the same time Koda was muttering something quietly, "And here we have sensei in his natural form. It's very rare please be careful. This is the caterpillar state..."

But the timid kid shut up as soon as he heard the others talking. For a while the class was in a messy state as someone *cough Mineta cough* couldn't focus and eventually Momo stepped up saying that they would have nominate a couple of people and vote on that. Most of the students agreed with the classy girl.

Izuku wasn't paying attention and Mineta was currently being muffled so that he wouldn't distract the rest of his classmates.

"Alright let's right down some names on the boards. Anyone have any ideas?" Momo asked next to the blackboard and immediately hands shot into the air.

"I nominate you, Momo!" Kaminari shouted. "You can do all the work heh."

(I just want to say "that above there is not a ship" it's just that... well Kaminari respects Momo okay? Bc she helped him study for the finals and everything... even if he failed)

That got a smack on the head and a quick lecture from Kirishima about being manly and doing his own work. Momo had written her own name on the board with a please expression on her face.

"Well then you choose someone!" Kaminari was currently saying to Kirishima.

Mr. Shark Teeth nodded vigorously, "Yes I will! And I have one! I nominate Iida!"

"I can see that, he's already kind of like that." Jirou says. She was fiddling with her ears and she flushed when everyone looked at her. "I mean no offense!"

"Oh, what about Shoto Todoriki then?" The quiet octopus kid who was... Shoji, Izuku thinks, says, "He was really strong during the incident right? He defeated the whole group of villains by himself..."

There was a murmur of "hmms" and "ohhhs" around the room. Like Izuku and Bakugou, Shoto was also different than the others. They were just weird and hard to talk to. 

"That's not a bad choice either kero..." Tsuyu says her eyes where narrowed.

What she says next shocks the whole class. "Can I nominate Nijima Aoi then?"

Mineta who had ben struggling trying to say something (one of Shoji's hand was covering the small boy's mouth) nodded ferverishly and the whole class looks shocked.

Nijima Aoi for class president?


(1183 Words)

What do you think should Izuku be the class president?

comments in general?

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