Chapter 16

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I forgot to say that this was my story line ... (〜 ̄ △ ̄)〜

SO yeah it is my story line lol


Izuku's POV

Yes... Izuku did have things to do but he didn't do them, yet. He merely went to his apartment room. It was on the #3 on the first floor. He had to have a home, no a lair ready for him, before he could do anything vigilante-ous. 

3 seemed to be a common reoccurence of a number for Izuku. Was it his lucky number? Or unlucky? He guessed it was just the way you looked at it.

Izuku didn't believe in fate or some higher being or luck, he didn't believe in anything after All Might. But a higher being? Fate? What kind of person with some severe anger issues, besides Bakugou, would want to willingly mess with his life like that and make him go through all that crazy shit....

Of course that was ignoring the whole "could've happened but it also couldn't have" 1 week of torture from his foster parents, everything else that had happened to Izuku that he knew for certain happened was still some messed up things.

His parents deaths. Mrs. deaths. His quirkless-ness. Being bullied. Shut down by All Might.

Seriously, that higher being or fate definitely needed anger-issues therapy. 

Izuku opened the door with a click and looked at his one room, well room. There was actually two rooms if you counted the bathroom but ... Izuku didn't because who lived in a bathroom?!

Placing the backpack down near the door, he locks the door and takes his shoes off before scouring the house, looking for bugs. The digital ones and the real ones.

It never hurt to be on the safe side.

Then he checks for places to charge his computer. 

There's one port. No two. And there's one source of light from the ceiling fan. It was actually a moderately large room. Not too big, but big enough. (guys if u have a room imagine something like that okay?) 

Before unpacking his backpack and his meager belongings, Izuku dutifully cleans the floor with some towels he got from the bathroom. He had to remember to thank Makoto-san for that later.

When the room is finally cleaner than when Izuku came in, although he suspected that the old man had cleaned it previously, Izuku grabs his backpack and unpacks his futon.

It smelled like smoke but if he slept in it and hung it up tomorrow in the sunlight somewhere in the room, the smell wouldn't be a problem.

(fun fact: if you do that then your blanket will smell like "sunlight")

In his backpack is his hero notebook, the one Bakugou burnt, a computer, a charger- (just going to skip what he brought. basically notebook, pens, computer, charger, wallet, extra clothes that's pretty much it, oh and headphones :)

Izuku had ditched his phone. He didn't want to be tracked. No thank you. He always had hooked up his computer's internet to the neighbors so he wouldn't get tracked. Now he just had to hook up to a couple doors over and there! he would be off the grid. practically untrackable. Plus the computer wasn't liscensed under Midoriya Izuku, it was liscensed under someone's name.

It was also someone Izuku made up. They lived in Europe. No need to worry! They had sold their computer off to someone else, that sold it to someone on Ebay and it "landed" with Izuku. /Jk Izuku had the thing all along, he just made it seem like the computer was passed around.

Now with his computer set up Izuku had everything he needed, Internet, Wifi, a compter!

Now that Izuku had his bed and his computer set up, he changes his clothes. He only brought two pairs of clothes and was regretting his decision severely. It would be tough only having two pairs of clothes with him, he would have to buy more as soon as he got the chance.

There was no food for Izuku today, not to worry! Izuku declared mentally. He wasn't hungry anyways. Not that he was ever really hungry anymore. Izuku was laying on his bed when he realized how stupid he was. The bed- it was just for show, or if he was injured but sleep?!

SLEEP?! HIM?! HA!!! Was he joking? Was he so stressed that he forgot that he couldn't sleep? And when he did it was rare?

That was why his computer was his best friend. 

Giving up on his sleep, Izuku headed over to his "computer"/"desk" area and started getting to work on hacking the city hall records and creating files on a person that didn't exist. Nijima Aoi. 

Quirk: ... hmm.... Analyzation could work, that would be the easiest one to fake...

Parents: Alive... and healthy... um... they moved to AMERICA for retirement. 

Age: Hmm... why not just do the same age he was now? The best lies came from 1/2 truths right? So, 15?

There were more questions that Izuku slowly filled out. 

But there was one that he couldn't answer.


What should he look like? He had green hair... but sometimes when he was particularily tired and hallucinating, he could see that he had white hair...

His freckless they were one of the most obvious traits about him along with his eyes. Contacts and make-up would take care of those. 

He sighed, more things he had to take care of huh?

But what would he put down on the form?

There was a faint tickling sensation on Izuku's scalp and he scratches it absent-mindedly. He should do a shower- his body went through a lot today.

The burning sensation increases and Izuku clutches his head doubling over in pain over his computer.

The burning sensation continues for another minute and even if Izuku's surface level nerves were fried... these were coming deep within his body.

With faint staggering steps he manages to make it to the bathroom before collapsing. He wanted- needed water. His throat was so dry-

Izuku manages to pull himself up and over the sink reaching for the knob but then his fingers freeze.





It's white.

Izuku let's out a sharp laugh. Was he really that tired? He was hallucinating again. Izuku blinks trying to clear his vision but his reflection stays the same. 

His hair was white. Completely utterly white. Not a single green strand remained.

Izuku's face slowly stretches into a confused but self-satisfied smile.

Izuku Midoriya had truly died. 


i just realized that izuku arrived at the apartment and got a room with his hair still being green. 😕😔😢

oh wait... i can just say that he was wearing a HOODIE <3

and that since the guy is old... he doesn't remember if Izuku has freckles or not... or if his eyes are green.

And the lady that works at the desk at the metro never looked up... just gave him the soda without looking...

PHEW!!! covered some dangerous plot holes there 🤣😐🤨😶

i just want to say that when bakugou bullies/abuses izuku, izuku "pretends" he feels the pain even though in reality im pretty sure if he didn't have like an oscar in acting his face would be like


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