Chapter 4

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All Might's POV

Oh shit.

I'd dropped the villain somewhere. Somewhere earlier. When I was jumping around? From the roof? When that boy clung on my leg? When? 


That wasn't the problem. What I needed to know was where it was now. It was dangerous. 

I don't want to think about what could be happening to the poor innocent civilans right now. They need my help.

There's the familiar screech of sirens somewhere in the distance of the city anbd with no better idea, I prepare to jump there.

A small, "Nya." could be heard behind me as I start to jump off towards the siren sounds.

It was a police officer. Sansa. He was never noticed at all by the deep in thought hero. Or he was just plained ignored. Sansa didn't care though. He was glad that it was less work for him to do. 


I land barely making it to my location before my form gives out and I start coughing again. Into my hands of course. There's a smear of blood but I wipe that off onto my dark pants. Nobody can notice right? I don't know what to do. I'm here. I'M HERE! But what can I do?

My limit was reached? I couldn't go back to my form anymore! I push through the crowd and stare with wide eyes at the spikey, blond-haired teen that was struggling in the slime's grasp.

The pros who have gathered are trying to attack the slime villain but it has all fronts of attack covered. This was almost a hostage situation. 

"MOMPHFWASDFA!" Comes from the boy as a small crackling sounds come from his palms.

Was that his quirk? It was strong. Good. But it wouldn't do anything against the slime. 

What do I do?

What were the pros doing?

All the civilians watching could clearly see that their attacks and tactics weren't working. We were all just standing here watching the boy slowly suffocate to death. 


As I'm turning away debating whether to call for backup or to push my limit, I see a familiar green-haired kid push through the kid and start sprinting towards the slime and the villain.

Izuku's POV

After Izuku's encounter with his ex-idol, he managed to get down from the roof. It was some sort of apartment complex so that made it akward, but he manage to get to the ground floor and started walking home. Izuku couldn't afford anymore delays, he didn't want Mrs. to be waiting for so long.

As Izuku walks home, he passes a large crossing and sees that the road is blocked off. By polce, tape, a crowd, and -

were those pro heroes?

What in the world was going on?

A fight? A battle? Between heroes and villains?

On instinct Izuku rushes over there and start pushing through the crowd barely managing to get his analysis notebook out and preparing to take his notes. Except when he reaches the front he freezes from suprise.

It's that guy. No, Izuku decided. He really shouldn't decide people's genders like that. It was that thing- whatever it was. That slime-y thing from earlier. 


Didn't All Might have it in his pocket?

What happened?

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