Chapter 48

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Everyone but Izuku's POV

At the start of the UA sports festival, most people went in having high expactations. The staff, the audience, the students. They were prepared to be impressed.

But now at the start of the obstacle course nobody was impressed.

Most thought that it was too easy, too boring, just a simple race is what most thought. They expected more from the great UA. So even before the race had started people had expected great things and they were now feeling disappointed.

But then the race started and everyone was stumped.

The students were running as fast as they could but within the first 750 meters, robots from their practical entrance exam started appearing out of nowhere and blocking their paths. Those students were suprised.

And most of Class 1A realized they were missing a classmate.

The audience was confused and angry. What was going on? What was the number 1 of the first years doing? Nijima Aoi was walking leisurely. He was looking into the crowd and whenever he made eye contact he smiled a the crowd vaguely.

The crowd wasn't pleased. 

Why was he walking? Why wasn't he trying to be first? Everyone wondered. Didn't he promise to be first?

The audience was not pleased.

What a liar. The audience thought and they started to yell and shout at the poor student. 

But Nijima Aoi was unconcerned and he started walking and in general was just chilling.

The crowd, the other students who realized what was happening, and the teachers most of all were shocked.

Nijima Aoi was just chilling but then he started to shake his head. That was the only other action he had done besides looking around and smiling.

The audience was wondering if he was going to do something. Run perhaps?

And indeed Nijima Aoi did do something. Shocking everyone that was watching him, Aoi moved.

He moved from the spot he was standing, barely 100 meters away from the start line to where the robots were within a span of a couple seconds.

For once the audience shut up. Nobody yelled or shouted and nobody makes a sound as Nijima Aoi started to near the bob-haired girl.


They start chatting and Nijima Aoi explains to her something. He then asks for her permission and when she says that it was fine with her, the audience watches with shock.

Nijima Aoi turned back to the robots and nobody sees him move as the robots blocking their way crumbles into smoothly diced cubes.

Whatever weapon he used nobody saw as he moved just a little too fast.

Nobody breathes as Aoi picks up Uraraka and quickly races to the Canyon obstacle, and then proceeds to clear the Canyon obstacle by jumping from one platform to another as if the distance was nothing.

It had been 5 minutes since Aoi started to actually move and he managed to clear the first two obstacles.

Bakugou and Shoto still have the lead and Aoi runs with Uraraka to the start of the third stage before he sets her down suprising the audience.

They chat again.

The audience was able to see as Shoto was sliding across the minefield that it was indeed a minefield. But Aoi couldn't know that since he was too far away to see the explosions right?

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