Chapter 15

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Izuku's POV

Izuku had escaped by jumping on top of rooftops. But before he left completely, he stayed a little watching. Waiting to see if Mrs. was alive or not...

He stuck to the shadows on roofs of neighbooring houses as he watched paramedics enter the burnt down building that was once an orphanage.

The heroes had finally been able to put the fire out. However they arrived too late. 

Himiko was missing. Pressumed dead. Burnt to the point where there were no parts of her left.

But Mrs.- Mrs. was dead. They had moved her still body away from the house and later the report came into the heroes in the area (over radio) that she had died.

Izuku was the only one from the three that still lived. That he knew of, maybe Himiko had survived.

He was free.

Even if that did come at a cost. 

He was officially dead in the books. Izuku had realized that if... if he'd cut off a piece of his arm and chuck it into the place where the fire burned the strongest... the front area of the house he would be "dead". Don't worry. It didn't hurt and it was taped up so nobody could track him through his bleeding.

Sometimes Izuku scared himself, just how smart he was. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Izuku left behind the orphanage and his "past" life. By the time he'd completely left his area of Tokyo and started to look around, he realized that he didn't know what came next. 

What was the next step in his "o-so brilliant escape from the fire and the sussy villain plan"?

Currently he was standing in front of a large metro (subway; no the trains, underground trains not the bread/sandwhich place), looking extremely out of place. He was in his slightly singed clothing and looked really lost. Plus his arm was bandaged all the way up. To sum it up, he looked like a problem and trouble. Earlier in the day, he'd left his normal shoes at the front entrance of the orphanage. But those burned down. 

By some sheer luck (plot armor 🙄) he had taken his P.E. shoes home with him to clean. Now Izuku had shoes. One less thing for him to buy.

"Um-" Izuku stutters standing in front of the information desk at the metro station, "I'm looking for a place to live... do you know where I can find cheap rent?"

The lady who sat behind the table and was typing furiously on her computer, doesn't even look up as she says, "Go to xxx place. Be careful though it's not too safe around there."

Izuku promised himself that he'd make it safe. After training of course. :)

"Than-" He stammers, "Thank you!"

"You're welcome," The lady says as she continues looking at her screen.

She was typing a fanfic story for wattpad. Izuku was suprised. He'd read many fanfics before about All Might. Yes he had that fanboy addiction to his idol.

As Izuku is turning to leave, the woman slides a can of soda towards Izuku through the small gap under the plastic divider.


"Take it." She says, "You look like you need it."

"Tha-Thanks!" Izuku says brightly as he takes the soda and starts walking towards the xxx place that the lady had mentioned.

His childish, cinnamon-bun act really worked. Though Izuku did feel bad to trick such a kind and nice lady. By the time he arrives at the location, he'd longed finished the juice. Even if it was a short walk away from the metro station, he'd taken a while getting there due to traffic.

He's going to keep the can though. He's going to comemorate this token of kindness.

Remind himself what he's working for. What type of world he wants to help. Why he wants to help. He wants to repay all those who treated him well...


Although, Izuku wasn't certain that he'd deserve such kindness.

Did he really?

When all the people who were kind to him, got hurt instead?

The nurse 11 years ago, died in the same villain attack as his mother and the doctor. Although the doctor was not the kindnest in the least.

Mrs. was dead from another villain attack.

It would be funny if this informations lady died in the futu-.

He didn't want to jinx it though.

But if, if people who were nice to him... they started dying like that...Should he instead emit an aura that says, "Don't be nice to me, if you are nice to me... you'll die" like that?

No. He was going to be a hero. He didn't want anyone to be kind anymore. He would be kind in return. Izuku knew what it was to carry the weight of the world. He did it all the time... it was pretty normal by now. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Izuku walks down the dark (it was getting dark), slightly dirty roads until he finds a "decent", and not run down apartment complex. It would be good enough for now. 

Izuku had money in his backpack. All those days he had spent working as a waiter at a cafe near the orphanage really paid off. Speaking of jobs, Izuku needed to get a job. While he did have a job at the cafe, Midoriya Izuku had died in the fire. He couldn't just randomly blow his cover like that. No. 

Izuku wasn't new at this.

He walks through the lobby of the apartment and talks briefly to the old man at the window. The price was decent and Izuku agrees. (just put whatever price you think is decent 🤗😜🤯🤪🥴) The man's name was Makoto Kaito. Izuku would remember. The man did give him a sandwhich.

What was it with these nice people? They were making Izuku teary-eyed. He didn't want them to die-


But yeah-

He registered under a fake alias. A fake name. A fake identity. A fake quirk. A fake family. Simple, normal, nothing special.

Izuku was pro at being fake and faking his fakeness after all.

The name he had told the old man who owned the complex was Nijima Aoi. He would have to remember to hack the city records and create some fake files on himself.

Things to do. Things to do. Things to do. He still had so many things he needed to do.


(1070 Words)

Guys... triple updates.

WHAT AM I DOING WITH MY LIFE?! obvi smth right... but anyways... its been a long day and i was wondering...

does anything feel off?


comments in general?

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