Chapter 20

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Izuku's POV

Aizawa was in the CAFE, sitting there in that corner near the window. He radiated important person vibes and "I'm a hobo" vibes. Customers were trying their best to sit very far away from him. 

Izuku didn't want to serve Aizawa but Uraraka was too busy dealing with another customer. So with a sigh, Izuku appraoched the pro hero who was trying to arrest him just yesterday. 

"Hello!" Izuku says brightly and Aizawa turns his tired eyes towards Izuku. "What would you like to order today?"

"Sigh." Aizawa said.  

Izuku almost doubles over with laughter but manages to keep his face straight. Though his teeth hurt from the effort and his eye was starting to twitch. Aizawa better say something or a wheeze would soon escape from Izuku. 

"I would like a coffee dark, black, and bitter like my soul."

That was it, with a small gasp of laughter, Izuku breaks into a couple of coughs. Aizawa looked at the young man with concerned eyes. Was he sick? Why was he serving people then-

"Sorry!" Izuku appologized, "Something got into a float."

After he recovered, Izuku still had trouble keeping his face straight and emotionless as he says, "Okay. Anything else?"

The pro hero shook his head and Izuku practically bolted from where he was standing.

That was one of the funniest things that Izuku had experienced in his life. With a sadistic smile he heads towards the kitchen where Minami was working and told her Aizawa's order.

Within minutes, Izuku had the order ready and he brought it to the pro hero. 

"Here you go sir." Izuku says neatly as he places the coffee down on the table gently.

Aizawa stared at the coffee and then at Izuku in shock.

Izuku really wanted to laugh. But he really couldn't, although he thought that his straight face was making things funnier. 

Izuku had Minami make Aizawa a milky, sweet coffee with heaps of whip cream. It was a mocha.

"I-" Aizawa started, "Huh?"

"Sir, did you not order this?" Izuku says plastering a confused expression on his face. 

"I-" Aizawa started again.

"You did ask for something and I quote, 'dark, black, and bitter' like your soul?"

Aizawa managed to nod in his shocked state.

"Well!" Izuku says clapping his hands in front of him, "Then how did I mess up your order?"

With that Izuku turned on his heel and helped the next customer.

Aizawa was still in shock. What?!?!

Within the next couple of minutes, Aizawa sat there frozen stiff with shock before he drank the coffee on accident and realized that... it wasn't that bad. And then he berated himself for thinking like that.

Not wanting anymore suprises, Aizawa quickly gets up and pays before rushing back to the police department.

Izuku notices when Aizawa left and after helping the customer he rushes to the employee room and starts breaking into fits of laughter.


The CAFE had closed a while later and Izuku changed quickly back to his normal clothing of a hoodie. (was wearing a hoodie and long baggy-ish joggers) He was glad that he made the decision to wear long sleeves that morning. He'd merely slipped over his long sleeves t-shirt, the uniform of the cafe and then slipped an appron over that.

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