Chapter 32

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PLease note that this chapter will include a lot of character POV switches <3

Izuku's POV

"GO!!" All Might says starting the match.

The 5 minute timer was up and he and Uraraka lept into action.

He dashes into the neighboring building and started racing up the stairs. Like he suspected and saw during the entrance exam, most of the buildings in Ground Beta were empty on the inside.

Uraraka's POV

Uraraka raced into the building were the villains were stationed in. Based on Izuku, Bakugou would be coming at her soon. She would only have a limited amount of time to scout the interior of the building. She races through the building touching whatever that wasn't attached to the walls or the floors of the building. She would use these as a trap or deterent if she needed to.

She could hear Bakugou already coming towards her. The inside of this building was a maze, twisty and turny. Within moments the explosive boy caught up with her and she lifts her fists in a fighting position.

~~~Flashback to like earlier~~~

Aoi was asking her if she could fight. She stared at him with disbelief.

"Do I know how to fight?" She asks.

Aoi hangs his head and starts his muttering fest, "Of course, I guessed that you wouldn't know how to fight but I just had to make sure because that would affect the deciding course of actions that would have followed depending on your response. So if you don't know how to fight then I have to find something else to suffice for our plan-"

Uraraka has had enough of his mutter and she places a reassuring hand on the other boy's arm. Aoi looks up eyes wide as she tenses her muscles and judo flips him onto the sidewalk.

Aoi lays there breathless (he'd landed lightly actually but he's pretending that the wind is knocked out of him) and Uraraka looks down on him. "You think that I don't know how to fight? Do you even know what area of the city I come from? My mother makes me take lessons so I can protect myself. Of course I know how to fight! Except I'm not really too good..."

She let's Aoi sit up and he stares at her calculating something. From earlier to know, the whole vibe around the boy was different. He seemed older. Less innocent and he seemed harsher, but that was probably just some weird thinking from Uraraka.

~~End Flashback~~

She would be ready for the fight that was coming.

Bakugou's POV

He raced down the 4 stories of stairs and started looking for the heroes. Something was wrong with his head. He felt like he was underwater but on the surface he somehow still managed to function normally. Where were they? Bakugou sees a flash of pink and white out of the corner of his eyes and he immediately starts heading towards it. It's the girl on Aoi's team. Uraraka or something. 

No, Bakugou realized as his head started to pound, something was really wrong with him. He'd never call that girl by her name. Normally he wouldn't be able to remember and he'd call her by a nickname.

What was wrong with him?! 

The girl was in a fighting position and Bakugou tries to push his problems away. He would fight her and then go deal with the other kid on the hero team. He would show them who was better. Who was superior.

His head tightens in pain and he sighs, his head still hurt.

The Viewers POV

Class 1-A + All Might watches as they see Uraraka and Aoi split up. Aoi was heading towards the building adjacent to the one they were supposed to go in together.

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