Chapter 62

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I had something I wanted to say here but forgot what I wanted to say...?

It's been 5 days since I last wrote that lol. 

I remember now:

I know there's a new season of MHA/BNHA airing and yes it's season 7. However, this fic is not going to be off season 7 and the ending's will be different.

I want to give everyone a heads up that I'm going to be changing the title and cover of this fic soon. I'm getting tired of it <3

Izuku's POV

He had woken up that morning to the yapping of an animal and as his bleary eyes widdened as his vision slowly returned. The darkness of his vision faded as the blinding white light of the hospital filled his vision. 

His jaw almost dropped to the floor when he saw Iida sitting on his own cot and gesturing in his choppy way to a tall, standing dog... in a police suit.

Izuku wondered for a blissful moment if he had died. 

But as usual his rational side came rushing back as the last traces of sleep faded away and his child like innocence disappeared completely. He wasn't dead, he made sure when he injured himself that it wasn't fatal.

His fingers twitched and he almost slapped himself.

He'd fallen asleep earlier which was actually pretty refreshing for his mind. 

Oh- right sleep, his hand raised and touched his face, was there still make up on his face?

Did the nurses wipe it off? His concealer and foundation if it was still on would save him a lot of questions from everyone around. His contacts should still be in too, yeah he could feel them. Good his guise was still on.

Sleeping was usually something Izuku never indulged in. It's not that he didn't want to sleep, he just couldn't. He usually couldn't sleep and even the pills the doctors had advised him to take, they didn't work too well for him.

Maybe... just maybe he should get injured more during his patrols or something so that he could get some sleep. Albeit he would pass out.

But again as his steadfast cold mentality came back, he completely dismissed the idea. It was foolish.

He closed his eyes real quick and locked away his thoughts and feelings somewhere deep and unreachable inside his heart. 

He couldn't afford to act rashless.

The police dog turned and quickly looked at Izuku (Aoi) who laid on the bed his hand covering his face. Iida followed his gaze and quickly dashed around the police too check on his classmate.

"Are you awake, Aoi?" Iida whispered. If Izuku (Aoi) was still unconcious, Iida didn't want to be the cause of waking up his friend-classmate.

Izuku pulled his hand away from his face and gazed at Iida, "Yes."

"Oh." Iida says before chopping his hands randomly. 

A large shadowed appeared behind Iida blocking out the light and towering over the students.

"You're finally awake." The police dog says.

"Who are you?" Izuku asks, blinking his eyes (innocently). 

"My name is Kenji Tsuragamae. I'm the chief of the police force." 

Izuku tilts his head to the side and blankly says, "Chief of the police force?"

"Yes. Do you remember anything of what happened last night?"

"Last night..." The white haired boy muttered before he allowed understanding to cloud his eyes. "Last night..." He repeated with more force.

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