Chapter 45

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Basically I was traveling, I kinda cought a cold. Which really sucked but whatever. I'm back. I've recovered finally and I've come back to update. I've kind of decided to just write everything first and then edit afterwards...


That poor kid as everyone was saying, was actually indeed feeling very poor. He had that familiar feeling of not belonging. That something wasn't right. That he was on borrowed time. He had that feeling that there was something wrong.

However there was nothing Izuku could do about it, merely shrugging it off the white haired boy headed home. Later that night he went out on his patrols as normal.

~Time skip to the next day bc nothing rlly important is happening yet.~

The next day Izuku had woken up after that one hour of sleep he managed to get after his patrols. Izuku woke up knowing that today was going to be taxing. He woke up feeling stressed already. A bad sign if he knew one. He was heading towards UA when he realized something. After his outburst yesterday, he wasn't sure if he could face all his classmates. Especially that time they had to chat around before class started.

He was already anti-social to begin with and now he had to go in when he made such a big scene yesterday? With that Izuku decided to arrive late. He knew that it would make everyone worry more and pay attention, but Izuku thought that he could take the attention. It was better to get stares and glares rather than to have to take words and talk back with someone. Social interactions were the fear of any "life-actors". It was always worrisome that someone would see through his guise.

So as Izuku was heading towards UA and his homeroom he wasn't really heading towards his class (does that make sense?) Overall he was like walking there but he wasn't hurrying. Izuku had left his apartment room later than normal and at that slow pace he was walking at, taking time to admire the passing buildings and shops, Izuku thought he wasn't going to be late to class.

In fact he was hoping that he would be late. Little did the white hair boy know that he would arrive perfectly on time. Not early. Not late. Perfectly. He arrived just moment after Aizawa. And as the tired teacher was still inch-worming into class, Izuku was considered early. 

He should've just stayed at home or something. 

His classmates were staring both at him and the inchworming teacher who finally just pulled himself out and stood at the front of the class. 


Aizawa was tired, he'd spent last night chasing around a vigilante around town and he wasn't really in the mood to stare into his student's souls so he opted to keep his eyes closed and just inch-worm into the room. He was suprised to see that when he opened his eyes that everyone was present.

Yes everyone even Nijima Aoi.

He was actually suprised that the boy came back after what had happened yesterday. As much as Aizawa was curious about the boy's situation he must've at least been embarassed.

Yes. Aizawa respected the problem child for showing up. As usual the problem child of the topic was zoning out.


Izuku could feel his teacher's eyes on him. He knew that everyone was wondering how he managed to show his face. He could practically hear the comments everyone was thinking.

"So manly." Being the loudest comment there was as Kirishima was probably belting it out in his mind.

Izuku had slid into his seat before his homeroom teacher opened his eyes and he managed to pass the class doing nothing and talking to no one. The whole day managed to pass by in a blur. Izuku stuck to his plan, he didn't talk to anyone, no eye contact and he tried his best to give off that vibe he always gave off but stronger. It was the "don't talk to me" vibe. 

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