Chapter 12

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End of 4 yr old Izuku POV; back to 15 yr old POV


That was the end of his flashback. It had ended, all over.

If this was a video game, his brain being a screen it would show a The End  sign. 

It was just a quick thought in his current time flow but in his head where everything had been relieved, the time was there. Full, complete, everything.

But regarding the fact of what Mrs. had said about his foster parents if they were ever to have re-kidnap him... he did have a response to that. 


It would be dangerous, he guessed, if he were to be caught or kidnapped like that ever again. And quite traumatizing.

Of course no human would have that much bad luck to be kidnapped twice by the same people. And Izuku believed that not even his bad luck was that bad.

He didn't even know if he believed the flashback. It could all be a lie that his brain was making up.

But back then he had asked Mrs. what had happened to her eyes.

They were murky and cloudy back then and Mrs. could still see slightly. Now they were white and Mrs. was completely blind.

Her response was that she had tripped down the stairs of the orphanage and had hit her eyes on something sharp and... "dangerous".


There was nothing she could've hit her eyes on. She was such a germaphobic and was OCD about keeping the orphanage clean and tidy, there wouldn't be anything out for her to trip on or hit her eyes on.


She was lying to him. About everything. Everything was lying about him. It was simple. That much he could tell. 

Back then even if he was 10, he still could tell that she was lying about something. It'd been a month since he had been released from the hospital and he had noticed the increased patrols around the orphanage and it's neighboorhood. 

They were worried about something-

The something was probably him.




Something bad had happened to him.

Something really bad, something so bad that it almost led him to believe that what'd he'd seen and felt in the flashback at the hospital was real.

But he didn't believe it until recently. In fact he'd forgotten about it until now. He just thought his mind was trying to traumatize itself. 

But now that Bakugou had told him to take a "swan dive" off a roof and now with Mrs. talking about those foster parents... he had started this flashback.

He know "knew" what had happened to him when he went with his "foster parents" but what had happened after that one quick nap he had taken on that chair?

What did Mrs. do? 

More importantly what did Mrs. not do?

He still didn't believe his brain 100%. Who knew, maybe it was tricking him too.

Izuku wouldn't put it pass his own brain to trick him like that.

Maybe he should be thankful that Bakugou had said such a thing. The memories only came back because of that, after all talking about his foster parents in the past hadn't been a trigger.

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