Chapter 17

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Izuku's POV

A derranged grin sprang from his lips as his head was pounding.

Izuku takes in his new image. White hair huh? The previous Izuku had officially died. This sudden transformation. It must symbolize something right? Perhaps it was the start of a new Izuku. 

His hair stops pounding as the white hair settles and Izuku frowns before straightening.

Well that was weird. But at least now he could fill out the files for Nijima Aoi. And now he doesn't have to pay for hair-dye. Pain for money... or something along those lines!

With a sigh Izuku returned to his computer and kept fiddling around.

~~~~ A Tired Time Skip ~~~

Izuku was still up. It was currently 4:33 A.M. and he had not gotten any sleep all night. Not that he needed any... He'd spent the last hours finishing his fake identity files and re-hacking the city hall records to put them there and then web surfing for a costume.

Something that would be simple to move in, something to keep his identity a secret. The usual deal.

He finally decided to go with a long black sleeved shirt, a dark green shirt over that and long black pants with small bracers for his ankles. (he was flat-footed and twisted his ankles a lot lol). His arms were reinforced too, just in case. He kept his old backpack and red P.E. shoes. He made sure to get a mask that covered his face too. He was trying to get his hands on parts to make a voice changer but he wouldn't make his debut as a vigilante until he got his training done.

Years ago. And I mean years, when Izuku was younger like 12. So 2 years after the incident, Izuku began martial arts. He trained everyday. Every hour that he had. Which was a lot because he was an insomniac, as a result he knew the basics. No he had mastered pretty much most of the "useful" martial arts. But everything else he knew that he didn't know, came with experience. His years of gymnastics led him to be flexible and nimble enough to climb anywhere and everywhere. 

But he still had his daily stretches and training to do. Izuku knew, that there was always someone out there that was stronger than you. That trained more than you. And the only way you could beat them was to train more than them. That had been true in the quirkless days but nowadays, quirkless heroes. No, Izuku the Quirkless Hero had to fight dirty if he didn't want to die.

While he was trying to get his hands on pieces to build a voice changer, he bought several weapons, small guns and knives and bombs off illegal websites. Of course while he did that, he backstabbed the dealers and turned them into the police. He had gotten what he wanted out of them after all. He also bought a grappling hook, and when he finally got his hands on all the parts he needed for a voice changer, he built that too.

All the while, he was burning through his waiter money to stay in the apartment and feed himself occasionally.

It had been 2 months since the incident and Izuku was finally ready.

"Thanks Mom," Izuku whispers as he puts on his costume.

Everything. And I mean everything that had to do with his vigilante costume was bought with his mother's money.

Just before she had raced back into the hospital, she'd dropped her wallet behind for Izuku to watch in the car. But then she died and Izuku still had that wallet. At her funeral he still had her wallet. He didn't know what to do with it, eventually he kept it as a reminder of her but recently he realized that since she was the one who supported him on his dream... wouldn't it be fitting if she- even if she was dead- paid for his costume? It was better than using the money on food that Izuku barely ate anyways.

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