Chapter 67

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Izuku's POV

Forest training camp. Forest training camp. Forest training camp. Forest training camp. That was the only words that were being currently constantly rattled around in Izuku's brain as he bustled around inside the CAFE. Minami was on shift with him and she was making the coffee for the difficult customer Izuku had just dealt with. 

Who had demanded why the prices were so high.She had said that she was a regular and she should get a discount. Izuku had patiently explained that he was very sorry and they couldn't do that for her because that wouldn't be fair for the other customers and the CAFE had to make money. He had to plaster on his sweetest smile onto his face while wanting to strangle the woman. With a detrimental huff the woman had paid full price and now was standing in a corner of the shop waiting impatiently for her coffee to be served. 

A large bustle and the roaring laughter of a group approaching could be heard echoing through the street outside and Izuku sighed as he mentally prepared himself to deal with the group of students that would pour into the CAFE soon.

But when the students arrived in their flood of 19 he was shocked to see his classmates of Class 1A stand before him. And he wasn't the only one. The rest of the 18 students looked shocked while Uraraka's face told him that she had tried to tell them not to come and the others had insisted.

"Woah Aoi!" Kaminari says pushing his way forward where Izuku was awkwardly standing with a happy smile on his face. "I didn't know you worked here too! I heard that Ochaco worked here but I didn't know it was you too! That's so cool bro!"

"Thanks?" Izuku says before trying to hurry everything up. "What can I get you guys." 

"We came here to discuss the forest training camp actually." Momo says tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear. 

"We tried to find you but you had left so fast." Kirishima says patting Izuku strongly on the shoulder.

"Oh." He says, not really caring at all.

"Well this is awkward," Uraraka says coming forward. "Let me take it from here."

Uraraka quickly moves through the little swinging door to whisper in Izuku's ear what was happening. With an expressionless face he listened to her whisper that the group had been planning to chill in the CAFE and talk about what they would buy for the forest training camp. Izuku nodded in understanding and without his prompting Uraraka dodges around him and slides up to Minami who was working merrily. Uraraka spoke to the boss in low tones and once she was done Minami turned to smile brightly at Izuku and say.

"You have a class thing to do? Well go. Go. I have it from here. I wouldn't want you to miss out on life!" Minami says moving to shoo Izuku away from his position at the cashier.

In a slow daze, Izuku moves to the employee room to change back into his normal everyday clothes before reappearing to overhear Uraraka brightly say, "Instead of talking about what we're going to buy why don't we go now to the mall and shop around together?!"

Everyone quickly agreed and the unsocial, introverted but cinnamon roll was taken under the wings of the Mom, Momo and the father, Iida who ushered him along with the rest of the class apologizing profusely to Minami. Minami had good naturedly waved them out of her store and shoved a couple of pastries into the hands of Izuku and Uraraka so the class was walking to the mall with pastries in their hands and munching contentedly.

"Are you excited for the um the forest training camp?" Izuku asks nervously his eyes bright with silent excitement.

The whole class immediately thought of the same thing. He's like a scared cat! So cute.

"Of course we are!" Jirou tells him.

"Yes. It'll be quite the manly experience!' Kirishima states and Shoji gently pats Izuku's shoulder.

"I'll be able to spread my message to more people." Tokoyami say seriously. "Revelry in the dark!"

They soon reach the mall and the class splits up into smaller groups with Uraraka, Izuku, Tsuyu, Mineta, and Shoto shopping together.

Izuku buys the minimum for what he would need. He just needed a couple toiletries and a bag to pack everything in. He had a feeling he should bring some weapons along with him on his person just in case.

AS the girls and Shoto use the restroom, Izuku sits on the one side of a bench. A man slides into the other side and Izuku doesn't pay much attention to him until the man is pressed up against Izuku's back. Izuku was feeling a little tired that day and he wasn't in the mood for perverts so with a tired snap of his head he barked, "What the fuck do you want- oh it's you."

It was indeed someone. It was none other than the great flakey, Shigaraki Tomura.

"I came to ask about the hero killer." Shigaraki says and Izuku stills just enough for Shigaraki to continue talking, "What's so great about Stain and not me? Why did he receive all the attention with his attack? And I didn't? We are the same, we destroy what we don't like so why did he get all the attention?!"

"Well you lack the conviction and the goal for something." Izuku says easily. "Stain had something people could believe in. You're just killing and destroying whatever you like. That's why Stain get's so much attention. People can actually believe in his cause."

Shigaraki smiles and his fingers which were resting on his lap now wind themselves around Izuku's throat, "I see. Conviction, something to believe in. That makes sense I suppose. Thank you for opening my eyes."

(NOTES: Shigarki's conviction will be that he hates heroes because of the childhood neglect he faced and the fact that no hero saved him from all his pain, suffering, and abuse.)

"You're welcome of course. So." Izuku says as Shigaraki's fingers dig into his neck. The next thing the white haired boy was a little risky even for him and he swallows before asking, "What's All For One planning?"

(AFO's plan as everyone knows is to take back Japan and kill all the heroes. Especially All Might.)

Shigaraki laughs and says, "You already know don't you, Usagi? So why play stupid?"

"I don't go by that name anymore." Izuku says flinching.

"Maybe but you're still Usagi at heart aren't you? Are your classmates finding it weird how your personality is so unstable yet?" Shigaraki asks smirking.

Izuku shakes with unrestrained anger, "Let me go."

Out of the corner of his eyes he sees his friends returning and Shigaraki sees them too. He let's go of Izuku's throat and quickly vanishes into the crowd and Izuku sits on his bench closing his eyes and breathing in deeply through his nose, trying to keep himself under control.

"Izuku?" Tsuyu ribbits. "Are you okay? Who was that man?"

The others are standing behind her and Izuku smiles and stands up. "Just an old acquaintance. A friend. I'm fine. Are we ready to go?"

They nod and Izuku smiles following wherever they were headed. All he could think about was what's the LOV planning? What's AFO planning? They know who I am now...


(1218 Words)

grammar, editing <


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