Chapter 57

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I'm not dead. I'm here. Sorry.

Izuku's POV

It was like one of those "it's 3-am and my brain isn't working" choices that Izuku made when he chose to scribble down Aizawa sensei's name. However, unlike most of his 3-am choices, this was defintely going to be one of his better ones.

Despite his loathing of most of the heroes around town, Aizawa held some of his respect. 

Their fighting styles were similar enough that Izuku could probably learn a thing or two from his teacher.

But also Aizawa's weapon of choice always spiked Izuku's interest. It looked like it could be a useful weapon to learn how to wield.

The next day as Izuku entered the classroom, barely on time as usual he'd gotten some weird looks from Aizawa but nothing was said.

And at the end of the week, Aizawa had reluctantly accepted his request to intern with him. Izuku had suspected that he was too curious about Izuku to refuse but he was glad that it turned out like this.

(Day of internship)

Izuku walked onto the UA campus and immediately headed for Ground Beta (? idk) Aizawa was already there in his pro hero costume. Izuku quitely arrived and Aizawa gestured for him to get closer.

The caterpillar-teacher proceeded to then say, "Good morning."

"Good Morning," Izuku replies respectfully.

Aizawa points to a little table with some machines on it that Izuku hadn't seen when he first entered the gym. It was far away that he could barely make out a ... coffee machine?

"Alright. First things first, make me a coffee." Aizawa comands with a certain smug look settling over his tired face.

Izuku stands there in shock before saying, "E-excuse me?"

"Make me a coffee. You work at a cafe right? It's my favorite cafe now, not just because you and Ochaco work there but your coffee is really good."

Izuku's job at the cafe where he worked quite often during the week was were Aizawa now got his coffee daily. 

It was Izuku's awesome coffee that brought the tired pro hero back to the cafe always.

"I like your coffee, it's really good. So first things first make me a coffee."

Izuku heads over to the little table in the corner of the gym and sets about making a cup of coffee for him and his teacher.

Within a couple of minutes, he's had the cups ready to go and Izuku walks it over to Aizawa with a steady hands.

Aizawa puffs some air onto his drink before taking a sip and sighing contently. "I told Hizashi how good your coffee was and he never believed it. Next time I go I'll be draggin him along for sure."

On a date? Izuku wondered.

After a couple of minutes where the student and the teacher are just quitely sipping away at their coffees, Aizawa finally finishes with a happy sigh and when he opens his tired, irritated eyes again they're slightly clearer and more awake then before.

"Alright. Let's get started." Aizawa says moving away from the table with all the coffee supplies on it. 

Izuku follows slowly in pursuit. No matter how many coffee he brews or how often he drinks it, he still can't taste it.

It was such a shame that he could rarely taste anything these days. Aizawa could probably feel how stiff he was and so Izuku started relaxing his muscles from where they were clamped up in fear and excitement. 

"Fight me." Aizawa says randomly from the middle of the gym and Izuku gapes at him in bewilderment.

"Fight you?" 

"Yes problem child. Fight me." Aizawa snaps. "I'll even close my eyes if you want it to be easier for you." 

Izuku says nothing as his teacher closes his eyes taking it easy on his student. 

Izuku didn't know what to do. He was here to train, he didn't know that he was going to fight his teacher. What could he do? He could easily beat Aizawa but that would be suspicious in Aizawa-sensei's eyes and if he tried his best to go easy on his teacher, being a pro Aizawa would probably be able to sense it too.

But it would be even stranger in his teacher's eyes if a random student that didn't even have a combative quirk (or a quirk at all TwT) managed to defeat him, a pro hero and a teacher at UA.

But still Izuku didn't know if he could make it seem like there was a limit to his skills that he couldn't pass and that he couldn't defeat his teacher.

Would Aizawa be able to tell?

With a resigned sigh in his mind, Izuku nods duly, "Okay I understand."

Aizawa moved to stand in the middle of the gym where he stood there with his eyes closed. If one said that it appeared that Aizawa had fallen asleep upright, they would almost be right. Aizawa didn't know what to expect from his student, but he thought that he shouldn't expect too much. He would go easy on the poor child.

And so he was quite relaxed.

Izuku watched as he saw his teacher relax, he could practically see the little thought bubble surrounding his teacher's head like in a manga. 

"Oh yeah, that guy he looks weak so I'll be going easy on him." Or something like that was going through his head.

Izuku just slowly circled around his teacher debating what to do. His normally silent footsteps had a loud stomp to them as he wondered what he should do.

Finally Izuku opens his mouth and asks, "How do we know who wins?"

"I don't really care," Aizawa says, "You can decide."

"You won't be moving is that correct Aizawa sensei?"

"Yes. How about this, I'll decide since it's taking you so long to make up your mind. If you can get me to move an inch in any direction, you win." Aizawa says smirking, "But if in an hour, I don't move at all, you'll have to make coffee for me every morning for the next two months."

Izuku bristles make coffee for his teacher for the next month, every morning? With his already packed schedule it'd be almost impossible for him to manage that.

But looking at Aizawa's face anyone could tell that he expected his student to not be able to do anything against a pro hero like him.

And as much as Izuku was up for suprising and proving Aizawa sensei wrong, he also feared that it would call down the wrath of the Rat Satan.

With a demured sigh, Izuku approached his teacher with a quick leg sweep that Aizawa just withstood.

Izuku sighed again and for the next hour, he sent a flurry of half hearted attacks and pushes towards his teacher. He would have to be careful about this training.

By the time the hour was spent, Izuku was in debt two months of free labour.

And Aizawa finally started teaching the poor white haired boy his fighting style and movement.

It was going to be a difficult week.


(1143 Words)

Finally updated again. I'm alive, yes, hi. I didn't rlly edit this one so the grammar and everything is probably off, sorry abt that.


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