Chapter 20

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Sorry for the religious stuff in the last chapter of you don't practice Christianity.

Pretend the voice was her dad or something if you aren't Christian

Shane (left) and Joey (right) are off to the side

Carry on

Chapter 20:

Emily's POV

I woke up at around six am to Deb switching out my IV bag and writing down what my vitals were and whatever nurses do.

She smiled sheepishly at me when I opened my eyes. She apologized quietly, not wanting to wake up a sleeping Harry on the bed next to mine, and I assured her it was fine. I did get eleven hours of sleep.

She was pretty much done with her job when I woke up, so not after long I was left in my room to do nothing but think so I wouldn't wake up Harry. It was barely even light outside at this point and I really think he should get his sleep.

I picked up my phone from the small table beside me and went onto my messages to see who had texted me in the past few days.

Most were from my friends, even the ones who lived in America, asking if they could come over and visit. I replied to everyone saying that I would most likely be stuck here for another week without anything to do, so of course they could visit.

I also went on Twitter to see that most of my fans were concerned at the lack of videos I have been posting. I might've missed two days when I would regularly post videos up, so Twitter was going crazy. Some of my friends tried to cover it up by saying I've been busy and stressed out lately, which was true, so I tweeted out an apology.

@/Emily_Horan: sorry for disappearing for a week! I've been busy and stressed out and haven't had time to film
:( I promise a new vid very soon!

Not too long after I hit the send button, I got a call from Joey Graceffa. Trying to stay quiet, I answered it, "Hello?"

"Hi Em! So sorry to hear about the news. How are you feeling?" He asked in that energetic voice of his.

"I'm doing good. M' not really in any pain because of all these drugs they've got me on." I answered.

He laughed, "Great! So, I'm in the London area right now with Shane actually. We were wondering if we could come to stop in and visit you?" I could hear Shane yelling something in the background to let me know he was there as Joey spoke.

"Yeah, that would be great! Visiting hours start at eight so if you want to stop by then that would be awesome." I told him.

"Shane wants to know if the One Direction boys are gonna be there." Joey spoke quickly and I could hear Shane protesting in the background.

Smiling, I said, "Yes, all of them will be here. In fact, Harry is sleeping in the bed next to me right at this moment," I glanced over at the bed to my right and widened my eyes to see a head of blonde hair instead of brunette, "actually, that's Niall not Harry."

Joey started to laugh and I bit my lip as a grin formed on my face.

"Okay, I guess we'll see you in a couple hours. Bye Em!" I said goodbye back and took my phone away from my ear when I heard a beep signaling that he had ended the call.

I sat back in my bed and let out a sigh. I know for a fact that Niall will not be waking up in the next two hours by himself, so I just plan on getting him up when Joey texts me again.

Glancing out of the windows to my left, I started to think of a way to tell my viewers and the world what was going on with me. I didn't have my camera with me, and I planned on making a high quality Q and A type of thing to answer their questions. I did have my laptop and maybe I could just make a low quality video that's unedited of me just talking. Maybe that will be enough to satisfy my fans and to let the world know. It's not like I don't want them to know, I just don't want to go out in public when I get cleared here and have everyone asking about how my left arm is missing.

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