Chapter 24

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Chapter 24:

Here we go again....

Emily's POV

When we got home from the hospital, Niall was anxiously waiting for us. He was sitting on the sofa in front of the television that wasn't on, but he still was staring at it. His eyes weren't focusing on it, I could tell by the far off look he was using, and he was practically shaking when we entered the flat and he anxiously ran up to us.

Since Zayn, Louis, and Liam are back home with their families for a few days, I felt sort of bad for leaving Niall home alone with him worrying about me the whole time. He was still sleeping when we had to go and I would've felt really bad if I were to wake him up. Harry and I had slept in my room together the night before so we both woke up to my alarm. Plus, Niall isn't getting as much sleep as he needs which concerns me. I hope he isn't up all night just thinking about me.

Niall immediately wraps his arms around me in a hug when he sees the expression on my face. As soon as we come in contact, I begin breaking down. If his arms weren't around me, I'd probably be curled up on the floor in a heap of tears at the moment.

Sobs wrack through my body and I don't think I've ever cried this hard before. Wait, I take that back.

I've cried this hard when mum and dad died.

Just this thought causes me to whimper and let more tears escape my eyes. I can feel Niall's reassuring pat on the back, but I know he's crying too.

I can feel his chest heaving up and down in spurts. I know he's just as sad and as angry as me. I know that he feels the same way; that it's not fair.

I've always pitied my twin because he literally has the worst life ever. He has a sister with one arm and death knocking at her door, a brother who he hates due to him never talking to us, and dead parents. But he has to smile on stage and pretend everything's alright when it's not.

He does have his moments during concerts or interviews if they're asked about their families back at home. He has broken down in tears in front of thousands of people, but it's even worse when he only listens to the people to bash him about it. They say that he doesn't have it that bad. That his life isn't as worse as theirs. Most of the fans cheer him up, and in grateful for that. So whenever I'm greeted by a fan, I usually would ask them to tweet Niall something nice whenever he's in a funk. That's all I want. Is for my loved ones to be happy.

And for me to be healthy.

But I guess we can't have everything, can we?

I think Harry left the room because he couldn't stand seeing us in tears. I heard his footsteps leave hurriedly not long after I felt Niall starting to choke up. I heard a door shut too, causing me to pull away from Niall to actually tell him what's going on.

When I looked up at him, I almost started bawling again. I hate seeing him cry. His eyes get all red along with his cheeks and he just looks like a sad puppy to be honest.

"Ni, it's not as bad as you think," I start with a shaky voice and clearing my throat. I then take him over to the couch because I really need to sit down. I've grown tired from all of this apprehension and crying my eyes out.

I then proceed to tell him what my doctor told me. He nods along and focuses his gaze on the dark leather of the couch. He sniffles every once and a while and swipes under his eyes to catch tears. My heart truly aches for him, but I can't do anything about this.

"So while you are on tour in America, I'll be in Washington DC for Playlist Live for a weekend," I mention.

He finally looks up at me with an expecting look, "Do you think you're gonna tell your fans then?" He asks.

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