Chapter 10

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Chapter 10:

Harry's POV

I cursed under my breath as raindrops started to hit my windshield.

I can't believe she's just sitting all alone in this weather.
Aren't her friends nice people?

Also, today is the day that Emily gets her arm amputated.
I absolutely hate that word. It literally means to cut off a limb.

I'm concerned for her after she gets her surgery done because she'll most likely get looks from strangers and the media will go into it.
Plus her YouTube thing will be all weird because some viewers will think she just wants attention and some with support her and etc.

You know what? I'm going to make sure that the rest of her life is amazing and full of adventure.
She deserves the best because she's been through a whole lot.

As soon as she's well enough to travel, I'm taking her to Hawaii because she has always wanted to go there, but couldn't.

My ears perked up to the sound of my GPS telling me my next turn.
I'm supposed to be on the street now.

I looked out of my window in search of Em. I immediately saw her hunched over on a bench with her hoodie on.

I pulled to the side of the rode and got out of my car. I hurriedly ran up to her and hugged her as the rain soaked my hair.
I could hear her quiet sobs also patted her back and quickly guided her to the passenger side of my car.

I helped her inside and ran over to my door and jumped in.
I immediately turned the heater on full blast and turned to Emily.

Her mascara was running as she tried to warm up her frozen fingers.
Tears still trickled down her cheeks and I felt so bad for her.

In less than ten hours, she's not going to have two arms.

I grabbed onto her hands and blew on them myself to warm them up.
Never did I want to let go of her.

I heard her whisper a thank you to me and I grinned up at her.
She deserves way better than this.

As I looked into her eyes, so many things were hidden in them.
Sadness, guilt, regret, anger, and hopefulness were all pushed together in her pale blue irises.

I dropped her hands and placed mine on the steering wheel.

"Let's get you home now." I said to her as I started to drive away.

As I did so, I slid my hand into hers and intertwined our fingers.

Is it bad to say that I love my best friend?

Because I think I do.

Who knows what we'll turn out to be, only time can tell our destiny.


This is kinda a filler

I just wanna go to sleep and I really needed to update and ughhhhhhhhhh

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