Chapter one.

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Caroline's P.O.V
I was walking down a road that looked very familiar but I'm sure I haven't been to here before, while I was looking around I felt eyes staring at me so I turned around to see if someone was following me but nothing was there, something in me kept screaming at me to run away, I was considering it when a memory of me when I was 6 popped up:

Start of memory;
I was in a meadow running and chasing bunnies when I heard leaves rustling behind me and heavy footsteps, so I ran and bumped into someone tall and muscular, when I looked up I saw my father looking down at me with love and kindness. I started crying...

        "What happened?!"my father said with a worried expression so I told him what happened, he looked behind me and saw a puppy playing with it's mother then he looked at me, crouched down so he can be at the same level of my hight and said words that would effect every decision I make throughout my life forever, he said,

        "Caroline, I don't want you to run from the unknown, you are strong in every way and you are a predators never a pray, look for your place in this world like you own it not like it owns you!".
End of memory;

        I stopped my legs from running away and turned around to face what ever is infront of me with a renewed bravery, however as soon as I turned around I was pushed roughly to a wall, when I recovered I saw bright red eyes staring down at me and an evil smirk that promised pain.

        I must have looked scared because a few seconds later I heard his laughter before he said,

        "You will wish you never stepped foot out of your house little one." Now I wasn't afraid anymore, I was angry, I am not a little one I am average hight for my age which is, by the way, 19 years old.

        "I will suck you dry."he said while still keeping that evil smirk, I just gave him a blank look and said:
"I'm not afraid of you blood sucker".

        He looked surprised and his eyes changed color turning into black, I think, before he recovered his smirk (but not the color of his eyes, red).
        "Nor am I from you, mutt" his eyes turning red before....
        And follow.

     June 24-2015

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