Chapter thirty-four. (part two)

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Caroline's P.O.V
Fawn jumped up and down on my bed then grabed her phone then in a blink of an eye she was infront of the door and opening it. She started taking pictures muttering about being soo proud.

"O-kaaay? I have two questions for you Fawn, one...what are you doing here, and two...what are you doing?" Ian said cautiously.

"One, I'm here to help Caroline, and two, I am taking pictures ofcource" she answered.

"And why are you taking photos Fawn" I asked.

"To put it in the family album ofcource, this is his first date ever, and I'm soo proud" she said with tears on her face.

Ian started banging his head on the wall again and again muttering 'how embracing'. "Can we just start our date already?" Ian asked.

After alot of pictures later we were free from Fawn's grasp.

"Soooo...where we goin' ?"I asked.

"You'll find out soon" was his amazing answer.

"Well, yeah, I know that but where? I want to know nooow" I whined, don't get me wrong I think it's an Alpha thing but I hate surprises.

He chuckled than swang his arm over my shoulders causing the sparks to ignite, "Patients is a verçu my dear mate". That sentence alone warmed my heart.

We walked for a while longer till we intered land that I didn't recognize.

"Where are we? We can't leave the territory, you know that right?" I asked getting worried.

"This, Care, is your new territory, and our date has something involving this place" he said excitedly.

This must be Max's territory, I decided to name it that so as to honer the old Alpha, though everyone knows it is mine now.

We stopped suddenly, when I looked around there was nothing just pieces of empty land. "This is where we stop for the moment, I need you to wear a blindfold, oh, and by the way you look gorgeous, I didn't get to tell you that before because of Fawn". He said.

"It's Ok, but...what's this about blindfolds?" I asked wearily.

"Trust me? Please?" He asked.

I sighed then said ok. He blindfolded me then got me on his back, I was about to ask what was he doing but he took off. A few more seconds then he stopped.

I got down and removed my blindfold then looked around, and what I saw was...weird.

"Ian? What is this?" I asked smiling.

"You like?" He asked nervously.

"Like? I love!" I answered truthfully. He took me to a waterfall that was really tall, but that's not what was weird, nope, it was the balloons scattered everywhere.

"Ian? What's in the balloons?" I asked.

"Umm...water? And...umm...I don't know if" he took a deep breath then continued "I was wondering if you wanted to play something like a water fight to, I don't know, blow off steam?"

"I would love to Ian, sooo, what are the rules?" I said.

He smirked then said "We can use whatever abilities we have, no holding back, imagine we are enemies and the balloons are our weapons, who ever throws the most balloons at the other and hits them wins and decides what they want to do next, what their prize is if you will".

We played for hours now and surprisingly he was the one winning. Every time I am close to hitting a balloon at him he pops somewhere else, no wonder he said we can use our abilities, till now he used his transportation ability and his ability to control how someone moves, I could always deflect that one since no one can contol me.

We were now lying on the ground beside the waterfall looking at the sky, I think it was 4 pm.

"Soo," Ian started.

"Soo," I stated.

" I won" he said proudly and I mentally groaned, I forgot about the whole winner decides what they want to do.

"Spit it out already, what is it you want? And besides if you didn't use your abilities I would have definitely won" I said.

"Whatever floats your boat, hun, but what I want is a kiss" he said looking at me.

I was shocked, he won and his prize is to kiss me?

He started leaning closer towards me his eyes darting from my eyes to my lips and then back again, he was soo close now. I closed my eyes and Ian closed his, we were about to kiss when someone came yelling.

Me and Ian's head snapped to the intruder, we both growled and snapped "WHAT" in the same time.

"We are being under attack" the guy said breathless.
And follow.
Hi guys, I think I will let the last chapters of this book longer than it's beginning, yeah, you heard me, we are at the end chapters of this book! Thankx again, and have a nice day.

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