Harry's P.O.V

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Harry's P.O.V

I never understood it when people said they fall in love at first sight. I mean, yeah the woman could be beautiful, but don't you want to get to know that person? To actually fall IN love? I always scoffed at it, said it wasn't true. Samm told me that one day it would happen to me and I would think back on my thoughts and say, "What was I thinking?"

Well, what was I thinking? It certainly is true! You don't have to know the person. Just one look and you know deep inside that you want to spend the rest of your life with that person. To hold them at night and to be the person to make them smile. To kiss them. I wanted to do all that with Morgan.

I barely know Morgan other than what she has told me, but I feel like I could tell her anything and she would understand. I knew the moment she started to cry and my heart actually broke for this girl, I knew that she was the one. You might think I'm falling way too fast and that I barely know this woman, but she was just.... perfect.

But even I knew that she was broken. She hid her face, she didn't come out of her room. Something was up and I wanted to know what, but she had to tell me at her own pace. I didn't want to chase her off. I wanted to help.

I sighed and sat on the couch. This house totally expressed Samm and Morgan. The whole blue living room was Samm, she loved that color. Before I met Morgan and I saw the little pink frames or the bathroom that was designed so un-Samm-like, it was weird. But once I got to know Morgan, it made more sense. It was like they expressed their feelings into the house. Home is where the heart is, eh?

I heard someone coming down the stairs. I looked up, and like always my breath caught. She was beautiful, her hair thrown carelessly onto her shoulder and her shoulders upright. No matter what, whether she was grey and wrinkly, I would still find her beautiful.

"Hey-" I began but she cut me off by grabbing me roughly by the hand and dragging me into the kitchen.

"What's going on?" I asked.

She let go of me and there was a pause of silence before the light turned on. I blinked rapidly, my eyes adjusting to the light. I finally could see and looked down at Morgan.

Holy Shit. No joke, I won't lie. My mouth opened and I just stared at the huge scar that ran from the corner of her mouth to her cheek bone. It was ragged and dark, showing that it had been there for a while. I just... woah. Morgan was hurt. I wanted to murder who ever hurt her. I just... I couldn't think.

"Wh- What happened?" I whispered. I couldn't drag my eyes away from the scar. I knew that she might have been hurt by that, but it just showed that I needed to protect. In my head, I was working out ways to be next to her 24/7 already.

"I was a bitch and a kid got revenge." She said in a dull voice, as if she said this to herself all the time.

I looked into her eyes, trying to convey that it was a lie, "Don't call yourself that."

"It's true! If I hadn't been a complete bitch to that kid, then I would be pretty, and I could date you, and I wouldn't have to hide, and I could actually meet the ba-"

I didn't think. I just did. I grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her towards me, my lips meeting hers half way.

She was frozen for a second before she kissed me back with so much passion. My heart sped up as she wrapped her hands around my neck. I pulled her closer, the need for her getting stronger every second. No doubt about it, this was the woman I wanted to date. This was the woman I would stop clubbing for.

Sadly, she pulled away all too soon. She stared up at me wide eyed.

"What was that?" She breathed.

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