Louis Doesn't Have Boobs

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I was a very unhappy girl when it came to Monday.

My whole weekend was spent sneaking past windows so that the paps camping out in my lawn couldn't see my face. They still hadn't relented on trying to find out who "Harry Styles' mystery girlfriend" was. I couldn't begin to explain how many times they gotten pictures of Samm thinking it was me.

Not only that but I couldn't sleep. It was strange, laying in that bed alone. I had become so used to Harry beside me that I couldn't sleep. I was sleep deprived and annoyed, seeing as the dogs kept whining for Harry. They would sit by the backdoor, as if waiting for him to come in from working out there all day. His absence wasn't only affecting me.

I tugged on Harry's favorite beanie that he had left behind for me. I was wearing a pair of sweats and a simple tight red shirt with my scoffed converse. Since it was Monday I had my first therapy session and I was already a nervous wreck. I could barely get into the backyard, how was I going to leave the house?

I pushed my hair over my face like I did when I first met Harry and placed the beanie to keep it there. I bit my lip as I held the doorknob, taking a deep breath. You can do this. This isn't only for you but also for Harry.

I hugged my purse tightly as I opened the door and stepped out. Immediatley I was surrounded my paps.

I was having a mild panic attack as I saw more than half the paps were men. It took everything I had in me to not scream and run back inside. Instead, I kept my head down and walked towards my Honda Civic.

"Morgan! What's it like dating the worlds biggest pop star?"

"What is Harry like?"

"Are there any troubles in paradise?"

I practically bit my lip off at their questions. Seriously, couldn't they leave me alone? I wasn't the world famous pop star here. I thanked the Lord when I made it safely into my car, locking the doors before starting the engine.

The drive to Dr. Aalma's was short. In seconds I was in her office, sitting on her plush white couch and fidgetting.

Dr. Aalma was a middle aged woman with long brown hair and kind brown eyes. She oozed support as she gave me a crooked smile, opening a book in her lap. I played with the hem of my shirt. No matter what she looked like, I was still nervous about speaking about my problems. I was the type of person to keep them bottled up.

"Hello, Morgan." She said in a sweet voice.

"Hi." I said meakly.

"I can tell you're nervous. Why?"

"Um... I just am."

She nodded and wrote something down. I craned my neck to see.

"What made you decide to start coming to therapy? My notes tell me that you were suggested therapy over a year ago." She said.

"I had a little episode last week." I said, telling the half truth.

"And that was?"

"I attacked my boyfriend's bodyguard." I muttered, immediately feeling the guilt. I had told Harry to apologize to Paul for me, although I don't know if he did or not.

She raised an eyebrow, "Why did you attack him?"

Is that all she's going to do? Ask questions?

"He scared me."


And it went like that for a while.


By the time I left Dr. Aalma's office, or Murna as she asked me to call her, I felt relieved. She had asked me simple questions like why I thought I was scared of men and how I got myself in this situation. I didn't feel better like I could immediately go out in public, I didn't feel different at all actually. Did this therapy crap actually work?

I turned my phone on as I got into the car. It buzzed mutliple times, three from missed calls (two from Samm and one from my mom) and a text message from Harry.

How was therapy?

I smiled at his thoughtfulness and replied.

It was strange. I don't feel different.

I put my cell down and drove back to the house. Thankfully, the paps weren't there and I was able to walk into my house without being bombarded with questions. Although, I was attacked by two little bodies. They had grown in the last week and were almost up to my knee now.

It's not supposed to work in one session ;) He replied as I made myself a bowl of cereal.

The house was empty and I figured that Samm had left to hang out with some of her old friends since the paps were gone. Thank God.

Still. Oh, the puppies miss you. They won't stop whining :(

I miss them too

Aww ;3 I miss you too. I can't sleep without you :'(

Same here. I had to hug a pillow before I fell asleep, hahaha.

I hugged Puck...

Should I be worried?

He is more furry...


I'm sowwy :*

My heart hurts :'(

Come home & I'll kiss it better

I wish I could, I'd be on the first flight back.

How is it back in London?

Cold. Very cold.

Louis could warm you up?

Louis doesn't have boobs so....

You're in it for the boobs. I understand.

I like them big ;)

Thanks? Lol.

You're welcome :*

I was now dressed and ready for bed. I put my hair in a bun as I climbed into the covers, shivering at how cold it was.

It's cold here too... All alone in bed with no one to warm me up...

You have Puck -.-

But Puck doesn't have curly hair!

You're in it for the hair. I understand.

I giggled at his text, That sounds familiar.

Hey, I have to go just got in trouble for texting you :/ Talk to you later :*


I frowned at the last message. If he wasn't halfway across the world, we could talk all we wanted. I really did love Harry's job, it made him happy and he was what he always wanted to be, but I hated the touring. Why couldn't he just stay with me? Or at least back at London, in one place?

I sighed as I sunk into bed, hugging Puck and Zoe to my chest when they jumped into bed. It was already nine as I spent my whole afternoon at Murna's. I really do hope that this helps me in the long run.

Like the past three nights, it took me forever to fall asleep.

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