Chapter 3: Room Service!

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(Name)'s POV

The way home was silent. No one said anything. I was feeling better but I was still heartbroken. It felt like I was being struck in the chest over and over again. Of course remembering pouring that syrup on (b/n) helped with the pain.

Then I realized that I was going to be the talk of the school of Monday and on social media. That's the last thing I need right now, I thought.

As soon as I got through the front door, I went up to my room. I still couldn't believe I was sulking when there were 12 hot guys in my house. Then again, I just brokbroke up with my first boyfriend so my emotions were all jumbled up.

Then I remembered how it felt when China took my hand. He made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Even though the moment waa in the girl's bathroom, it was still sweet.

That's when my phone went off. I picked it up to find that it was Sarah on the other end. "(Name), are you okay?" She asked. Concern was laced in her voice. "I heard what happened at IHOP. That jerk doesn't deserve you."

"Thanks Sarah." I then plopped down on my bed. "I still feel like crap."

"Well then what you need my dear is for me to come over and check on ya."

"Su-" I stopped myself in mid-word. I couldn't let Sarah come over and see the countries in my house. She would have a major freak-out moment right in my house. "Uh, actually Sarah, I just want to be left alone right now. Thanks for trying to cheer me up though. I really appreciate it."

"No problem. You and I are best friends. So I'll be there for you whenever you need me. Do you wanna at least talk to me about it?"


3rd Person's POV

After (Name) had gone upstairs, all the countries felt really bad for (Name). "We gotta cheer her up somehow," America said. "Any ideas?"

All of them thought on it until Lily came up with something. "I know! I know!" She spoke as she raised her hand and bounced up and down over and over again.

"What is it Riry-chan?" Japan asked.

"Well, when we went on vacation one time, I was sick and couldn't leave the hotel. To help me feel better, big sis order room service. We got food, and movies, and things to drink. It was so much fun!"

All the nations looked at each other in confusion. "Um, what does that have to do with helping (Name) feel better?" Spain asked.

"We should do room service for her!" Lily said. "If we do, she'll feel a whole lot better I just know it!"

"That might actually work," Britain muttered.

Meanwhile, upstairs, (Name) was still on the phone with Sarah. She was in tears at this point because she was confessing how she was feeling about the whole situation. "It'd be one thing if he cheated on any other girl," (Name) choked out as she wiped her eyes. "But he cheated on me with (g/n) of all people!"

"I know (Name)," Sarah tried to comfort her friend but it wasn't very effective since she was just talking to her. "Things will get better though. And that jerk will get what's coming to him when we get to school on Monday."

"Unless (g/n) says something." (Name) rolled over on her left side. "I mean, she's one of the most popular kids in school. She could kill someone and people would be like, 'Oh, you didn't know better dear. We'll let you off with a warning.'"

A sweatdrop formed on Sarah's head. "Aren't you exagerrating just a little bit?"

"I am. But I just feel really upset right now. Anyway, I'm gonna take a nap. Talk to ya later."

"Okay. Feel better. See you at school!"

After Sarah hung up, (Name) got under her blanket and went to sleep.

(Name)'s POV

I was woken-up by someone shaking my shoulder. Slowly, I sat up to see Lily standing there at the side of my bed. "Hi big sis," she greeted with a big smile.

"Hi Lily," I smiled back as I swung my leg out of bed. "What's up?"

"We've got a surprise for you~."

Oh no, I thought. This might not end well.

After that, Britain, Japan, and America walked into the room with drinks. All three of them were dressed in waiters uniforms and looked very fancy-like. It was a bit hilarious to say the least. I tried to bite my lip to keep from busting out laughing. After drinks were done, Spain came in with Topas, France brought in escargo, and Prussia got Savory Pork Turnovers. Each one was pretty darn delicious. Then, Russia had Pelmeny, China made Dumplings, and Italy made Pasta. (A/N: Shocking) Finally, Germany gave me pretzels with dipping cheese, Romano brought Zeppole, and Canada made Maple Pecan Tarts. Let's just say that I didn't need much to eat after that.

As I was letting my food digest, I heard a knock at the door. I went up and opened it to find Italy on the other side of the door. He was smiling at me with his goofy Italian grin. "Ciao (Name)~," He greeted.

"Hello Italy," I greeted back.

"Did you like the food we made?" Italy asked.

I giggled. "Yeah. It was really good."

"Did it make you feel better?"

I smiled. "Yeah.....I'm just a.....thinking about things is all."

"Well I know how to make you feel better even faster." That's when Italy gave me a hug. I blushed as he hugged me. "Hug therapy helps everybody...except for my big brother, Romano."

I giggled and then hugged him back. I'm not sure how long we were like that.

3rd Person's POV

The remaining nations were eyeing (Name) and Italy as they hugged. "Can you believe this?!" Prussia whisper-shouted. "Italy's totally stealing mein girl!"

"She's not yours Prussia!" Germany whisper-shouted at his older brother.

"Vell she vill be!"

"I say we have a bit of a competition," America suggested, gaining everyone's attention. "We see who can win the hand of (Name)."

"That's ridiculous!" Britain said. "Why would we do that?"

"Because she's hot!"

"What'cha guys doing?" Everyone looked to see Lily standing behind then. Her big eyes were staring at them.

"Uh, nothing mon petite." France answered.

Even though no one verbally agreed to the challenge, America and Prussia thought that everyone agreed to the challenge.

What will (Name) do? Find out next time.

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